Tuesday, July 12, 2011

(Way more than) 500 followers giveaway!

The Giveaway is now closed to entries! I'll post the winner on my post on Tuesday. Thanks for entering!

My sister got married on Friday and I had to do A LOT of work last week (it was a DIY reception) and I have to be out of my apartment by Wednesday so I'm moving my stuff into storage because I don't yet know where I'm going to live after this!

My beautiful baby sister with her new husband.

So...  I hope y'all forgive me for sort of phoning this post in today... but I know you will because I'm doing a giveaway!! I mentioned in the comments of my last post that I would be doing a giveaway once we reached 500 followers and (once again) we blew that goal out of the water!

First I want to say thank you to all of our lovely followers who read our blog and are joining us on this journey towards publication! We really do appreciate you reading and we <3 <3 <3 all the comments y'all leave for us!

I'm sure you want to know... what can you win? A SIGNED copy of City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare! 

How to enter? Since I'm so busy, I'm going to make this easy on both of us.
  1. First, since this is a celebration of our followers you must be a follower to enter. 
  2. Second, all you must do is leave a comment on this post by midnight EST on Sunday July 24th, telling me what your single most favorite (Yes, you must narrow it down to ONE!) writing/reading/book-related website/blog/forum/twitter is! (Besides, YAtopia, of course! ;)) Include a link to the site.
  3. Don't forget to leave your email address so that I can contact you if you win!
  4. Winners will be chosen by random.org

Also, remember you still have two more days to enter our Elevator Pitch Contest with the fabulous Bree Ogden from Martin Literary Management!


  1. Ooh, great contest! I am a follower already, and my favourite writing resource on the web is Absolute Write Water Cooler - it's where I go to get really brutally honest feedback on my writing, and it's a great "writer beware" resource.

    Link is here: http://www.absolutewrite.com/forums/index.php

    Congrats on "way more than 500" followers :)

    And super congrats to your baby sister!! She looks gorgeous.

  2. I would say my favorite book web site is Goodreads.It is the best!

    thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com

  3. Ooooh, I love your sister's dress!
    Awesome giveaway, Sarah! Good luck getting everything done.

  4. I definitely have to concur with THEGIRLONFIRE! Goodreads is most definitely the most resourceful book website out there! :)

    Thanks so much for the give away!


  5. congrats on 500Followers!!!! & i'm pleased to be one of them!!!! LOL!!!

    if i HAVE to choose one favorite book-related blog/site/etc., it would be Goodreads, mainly because i can keep track of all of my books!!! i have a VERY large TBR pile & Goodreads is certainly helping me to keep it in order!!!

    thank you for the giveaway!! i hope to win!!!!!


  6. Congrats on the 500 Followers

    My fave would be A round of words... it really keeps me goal oriented with my writing. http://aroundofwordsin80days.wordpress.com/


  7. Woo! I'm so excited for you guys! ^_^
    Congrats to your baby sister.

    My favorite site/blog is just starting up. It's called The Escapism Porject. They're good for book reviews, music, amongst other writerly resources.


  8. Congratulations to your little sister. What a beautiful person!
    If I just have to pick ONE site, I'd say Query Tracker: http://querytracker.net/index.php I'm a diehard fan of the forum!

    My email is rainlaaman@gmail.com

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I'm a follower; thanks for the giveaway!
    My favorite book site is GoodReads.com! I'm on there all the time. :D


  11. What a wonderful giveaway. The TMI/TID series are my newest obsession this year! (Can't wait for Clockword Prince in December!) :D

    Favourite book site would be Goodreads. A friend made me create an account and I was sceptical at first but then found some amazing reviews and authors.


  12. Great giveaway! My fave book site is barnesandnoble.com because I LOVE to shop! LOL!


  13. Congrats on all the followers!

    My favorite book related site is goodreads.


  14. wow, what a beautiful dress! congrats to your sister.

    My favorite sites writing/book related are http://www.inkpop.com/ and http://www.goodreads.com/


  15. congrats to your sis!!

    i follow!

    americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

  16. My favorite website for writers is agentqueryconnect.com.

    It's been great to follow this site too though.

    tjorg86 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. If I had to choose ONE - I'd choose Nathan Bransford.

    He has done SO many things for aspiring writers. I have TONS of perma-bookmarks to his posts.

    Also, you can get me at jolenebperry at gmail I don't have to write dot com, right?

  18. Congrats to your sis - what a beautiful dress!

    My favorite writing resource site is QueryTracker.net (http://www.querytracker.net/).

    Hands down, invaluable site when you're finally ready to query. Patrick and team are amazing at keeping the agents up to date - and since it keeps track of everything for you? Awesome.

    And happy 500+...here's to 500 more!

  19. Oy, forgot my email - sorry bout that!


    Thanks again for the great contest!

  20. Gotta love goodreads! (: Following!


  21. I have to say, my favorite has to be C. Hope Clark: http://www.hopeclark.blogspot.com/


    Congrats on getting over 500 followers, that's an amazing accomplishment!

  22. Thanks for the contest I love to have a sigded book of TMI series I love this series. Love Jace.

    My favorite blog besides this one is Maggie Stiefvater blog, I love the things she post is fun. http://m-stiefvater.livejournal.com/

    congrats on the 500 followers.

    flaka.077 at gmail dot com

  23. Thanks for the contest! Congrats with your 500+ followers. Cheers!

    My say would go to Mundie Moms! I love those moms and their blog rocks. ;)


  24. I'd have to say Goodreads it's nice to be able to keep track of all the books I have read and want to read.


  25. GFC Follower: Kris S
    www.goodreads.com is my favorite reading/book-related website since it helps me organize books I've read and want to-read in addition to following authors I like and reviews of book reviewers/bloggers that I like :)

    Congrats on reaching way past 500 followers!

    elfdrop at gmail dot com

  26. CONGRATS on 500 followers and your sister's wedding :D

    I think my favourite (for now anyway) is The HP Secrets, http://twitter.com/#!/thehpsecrets

    feeyonachan at gmail got com

  27. follower
    vampirewire blog

  28. Thank you for the giveaway.


    hootowl1978 at gmail dot com

  29. Kiersten Writes FOR SURE. The girl wrote Paranormalcy and her blog is hilarious.


    My e-mail: chocoholic_babyy@hotmail.com

  30. Goodreads, of course! Because I can go over there and see what people think of books that they have read.


  31. Thank you for the giveaway :) My favorite would have to be goodreads lol. What I used for book reviews before I knew about book blogging.


  32. Congrats on the 500+ followers and best wishes to your sister.

    My favorite would also be goodreads.


  33. Since I have to pick just ONE site, I guess I'll have to go with Goodreads. I loves it.

    rachel (at) rachelbateman (dot) com

  34. I have to say that one of my favourite blogs is www.yahighway.com because it just has EVERYTHING. A great way to find new blogs :)

    georgiasummers (at) me (dot) com

  35. I must say, that my favorite site is 100% Goodreads. It's just the best :)

