A lot of writers listen to music while writing. If you know me, you know that I play the piano, sing, and write my own songs, many of which were inspired by books. Music plays a vital part in my life. I honestly don't know what I would do if I couldn't tickle the keys or dance to Florence and the Machine. But when it comes to my writing, music takes the backseat. I can't focus when listening to music and writing. Instead of focusing on my story, I become too obsessed with finding The Perfect Song and end up changing songs every ten seconds.
It isn't until after the story has been written and I'm revising that I turn on some tunes. Even then, though, the songs I listen to don't represent a certain character. I'm afraid I'll never be like Maggie Stiefvater or Stephenie Meyer whose playlists are made of epicness that contain songs that serve as a character's theme song. But I do listen to songs that capture the overall mood or feeling I'm trying to convey with a certain scene or even line. (Or I'll just listen to whatever song is stuck in my head, which is usually something by Lady Gaga or Paramore) Still, I have to keep the volume low to help keep my mind in check and focused on the writing, not the listening.
So, fellow writers, do you listen to music while writing? If so, how exactly does it affect your process? And readers, do you listen to music while reading?
Sometimes I listen to music, but other times it's a huge distraction! I think it depends on my mood.
ReplyDeleteI have to have QUIET when I write, and I have to be alone. I think I'm ADD or something - to easily distracted. But I listen to music throughout the day, especially when I'm driving, and there will always be a song or two that completely captures the mood of a scene and helps to shape it.
ReplyDeleteI actually can't listen to music while I write, with the exception of one short story that I wrote. But music inspires a lot of my scenes. A lot of the ideas for Mishca came to me while driving and listening to music.
ReplyDeleteNope, no music while writing for me. I don't think I will ever have epic playlists either. In fact, I don't even have songs that remind me of my books or characters :/
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS have to have music when I write. To me, the silence is more distracting than the noise! I've found that the best music to write to for me is soft rock, it's the least distracting. But sometimes, I just click shuffle on iTunes. The most random songs have inspired some of the best scenes I've written.
ReplyDeleteI was a music major in college(yeah, one of those music snobs)--and so when I listen to music, my mind immediately goes to the theory behind it(how the composer was clever w/ chord progression, modulation, etc) so, I CAN'T have music on while I write! Which is too bad because then it could help block out the chaos at home :)
ReplyDeletenope, i need a quiet place when i read. the silence can make me more concentrate of what i read.
ReplyDeleteI listen to music when I write... most of the time. But the songs depend on what I'm writing. Usually I listen to pieces that either a) inspired the project, or b)are similar to the song that inspired the project. Just to keep my thoughts on track, you know?
ReplyDeleteMusic is my inspiration, I have to have a theme song for every major incident in my books. And if I can't find the perfect song for an idea, I go on a stall pattern until I find it. But when I do, there's no stopping me.