Thursday, April 4, 2013

Going Down the Rabbit Hole...Or Tying Something New

I have always been an avid paranormal fan. I liked vampires before Mr. I Sparkle and Have Wild Hair came around. So it seemed only natural that I would write paranormal fiction. I never dreamed or even thought of writing anything else. In elementary school, they had "Publishing Wednesdays" where we could go into the library, have a parent type up our stories, and then make little books out of them. All of mine had some sort of otherworldly aspect.

Lately, though, I've been brainstorming ideas outside of my paranormal comfort box and I'm rather excited. One of the most important things to do as a writer is grow and grow and grow. Each story should challenge you and make you think in ways you've never thought before. And that's what's happening now. It's scary, though, because I don't know if I can keep a plot rolling without paranormal tension, haha. I suppose we'll see! It's a slow process so far, but that makes it even more exciting. These new characters are slowly revealing themselves and their stories, and while I wait for them to divulge everything, I'm fine tuning my style and voice and becoming a better writer. I may not be getting much done, but at least I'm growing.

So what is it that I'm working on? Well, that's a secret I'll never tell (Gossip Girl reference!). I will say, though, that I've been re-reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver and just started Tumble and Fall by Alexandra Coutts. Are you sensing a theme? ;-)

Fellow writers: How is your writing going? Have you written anything that you never thought you would write? Let me know, and remember: Be proud, write loud.


P.S. ~ I've been asking everyone this, but has anyone used Spreecast? Do you like it?


  1. Don't know what Spreecast is so have to a "no" to that.

    And yes, trying something new is a bit challenging. I have a contemporary YA novel knocking at my mind's door. I do YA paranormal, urban fantasy and dystopia. So not having vampires, zombies or something otherworldly in the mix is a bit different. I'm letting the idea marinate until I can get some other projects done...ones that do include a Devourer or the end of the world lol!!

    Good luck with your trip down the rabbit hole :-)

  2. I've always liked dystopia and fantasy so my first book is a mix of the two. My second book is little more than an idea and some character sketches, at the moment, but it is YA contemporary. I never thought I'd try contemporary until this idea just wouldn't go away.

  3. I just did that. I usually write YA contemporary and I just finished a New Adult historical. Now that was a challenge....

  4. Kuddos to you for writing outside your comfort zone. That's an excellent way to grow as a writer. I hope we get to hear more about it soon.
