Super agent Ammi-Joan Paquette has so kindly offered to host a pitch contest - our first, but definitely not last - on YAtopia. And seeing as she's currently closed to submissions, this is an opportunity you simply CANNOT miss out on.
It's really quite simple what you have to do. Ready?
1) Be a follower of the blog. Nice and easy.
2) Blog about this contest and include a link with your entry. If you don't have a blog, you may tweet or make a facebook status. But we prefer blog.
3) Create a TWO SENTENCE pitch. And not a massively long run-on sentence either. Two concise sentences that will hook Joan to your book and have her desperate to read more.
4) Include the opening line of your manuscript.
5) Manuscripts that you submit should be completed. I leave it up to you whether you decide to submit a half finished manuscript. You'll have to deal with it SHOULD Joan request you send her the full.
6) This contest will be capped at either 150 entries OR will end midnight on the 24th March.
7) Winners to be announced (along with prizes) on 31st March.
8) Only childrens and young adult categories will be accepted. Sorry!
Good luck! Contest is open NOW. Use the form below and I wish you all luck. Oh, and feel free to ask me ANY questions :D Entries to be posted in the comments of this post.
Story Name:
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:
2 Sentence Pitch:
Opening sentence:
How big in trouble will we be in if our manuscript is NOT complete? Or does that automatically disqualify us?
ReplyDeleteAs for the ANY questions: The blog design is so pretty. How did you come up with it :D
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ReplyDeleteYou won't be disqualified, but I leave it up to you to decide if you want to take the chance :)
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to pass. My book is on the second draft and about half way finished. :(
ReplyDeleteWe fill out the form you provided at the end of the post here on your blog, correct? Or do we do this form in our blog post that we create?
ReplyDeleteI have a question. What's the deal with having to be a follower? I'm subscribed, but since I don't have a google account, this whole becoming a follower thing has little meaning. Why do all blog contests seem to require it? Is it merely a numbers thing? Is it impressive to have lots of followers? Because I'd much prefer a subscriber to a follower. It seems a lot like having 398 friends on Facebook. We all know no one stays connected to that many friends.
ReplyDeleteDo we just submit our entries in comments?
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm definitely entering this! I saw that Ammi-Joan Paquette is from the agency whose client is Cate Tiernan. I don't want to be all fangirly, but she's one of my favorite authors back in high school (still now, too) when I read her SWEEP series!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, when I fill out the form, am I supposed to copy and paste it with my answers in this comments here? Just making sure.
OH! Very awesome! Same question as every one else... do we enter the form as a comment here?
ReplyDeleteI believe you just comment with the info requested :)
ReplyDeleteSorry - yes you enter in the comments. I'll go and add that in the instructions.
ReplyDelete@Kathryn - it's not a numbers thing, and being a subscriber counts. :D
Name: Jolene Perry
ReplyDeleteEmail: jolenebperry at gmail
Story Name: NIGHT SKY
Genre: YA
Blog: www.jolenesbeenwriting.blogspot.com
Two Sentence Pitch: Jameson's senior year isn't going as planned - the girl he's in love with is kissing someone else, his dad walks out, he gets kicked out of school for fighting, and his mom's walking around the house like some kind of zombie. The only thing keeping him sane is a Native-American girl named Sky, whose brutal honesty teaches him that the simple act of getting to know someone can be a life-changing experience.
First Line: Taking a breath about kills me right now.
GREAT IDEA!! I can't wait to read all the entries!!
ReplyDeleteName: Jenni Merritt
ReplyDeleteEmail: jennimerritt.writing (at) gmail (dot) com
Story Name: Prison Nation
Genre: YA Dystopian
Blog: jennimerritt.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Millie 942B believed in the Nation: in its strict laws, its harsh punishments, and its city-sized Prisons, one of which she had been born and raised inside. Now Millie has turned eighteen and has been Released, only to discover that the life and freedom she had always trusted wasn’t what she thought it would be.
Opening sentence: My name is Millie 942B.
Name: Rachel Rager
ReplyDeleteEmail: rachelrager(dot)romance(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Sweet Ivy
Genre: YA Historical Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://rachelrager.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Ivy Lewis, provider and nurturer for her seven siblings and ill mother, becomes entranced with daydreams of Lord Sterling Bennett, Earl of Oakly. Amid her kidnapping and a handsome foreigner, Ivy realizes Lord Bennett will torture her heart, unwittingly envelope her in dangerous secrets, and save her life.
Opening sentence: Ivy Lewis breathed deeply, forcing air into her lungs as she hurried through the bustling streets of Silver Valley.
I'm a follower of your blog. Sweet Ivy is a complete manuscript.
Remember in order to be eligible, you HAVE to have created a blog post or a facebook/tweet linking here. It's not optional :D
ReplyDeleteI would love to take part in this contest, but I don't really use social media (I keep putting it off). If I do sign up for twitter or facebook, would I still be able to take part, though I don't have followers or anything like that?
ReplyDeleteName: Chen Yan Chang
ReplyDeleteEmail: miss(dot)chenchang(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Spark (A Fire Girl Novel)
Genre: YA paranormal
Blog link: www.chenyanchang.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Like a crown or a title being passed down, Felicity Brant should’ve inherited her father’s fire magic when he died, but she doesn’t feel a spark in her body. That doesn’t bode well for her when several attempts are made on her life.
Opening sentence: Fire breathed down on her and took a small taste of her skin.
Name: NS Dorrington
ReplyDeleteEmail: nicola_dorrington(at)hotmail(dot)com
Story Name: Chasing Freedom
Genre:Urban Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=544340452
2 Sentence Pitch:Chase Finn is on the run. The people after him want him dead or on their dissection table, and he doesn’t really want to find out which.
Opening sentence:The hunt was over and he was going to die
I am a follower!
@Anon - Sure thing!
ReplyDeleteName: Amy Machelle
ReplyDeleteEmail: AmyMN28@yahoo.com
Story Name: Saving Elizabeth
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://authoramymachelle.blogspot.com/2011/03/new-contest-alert.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Angry at God over the death of her father, Elizabeth renounces her faith and vows never to acknowledge the existence of a higher power again, but when demons begin to roam the halls of her high school, she finds “not believing” almost impossible. The Creator sends Riel to protect Elizabeth from the dark ones and teach her to use her gift for good, but reconciling their differences proves to be difficult, especially when Riel crosses the line and falls in love with Elizabeth – a glitch the dark ones will most certainly use to their advantage.
Opening sentence: “Don’t do it, Abby,” I pleaded as my knees slammed onto the hardwood floor.
Ammi-Joan Paquette actually rejected a requested partial late last year, but since then, my story has undergone considerable revisions. Do you think it'd be okay to still enter or should I just pass?
ReplyDeleteName: R P Steeves
ReplyDeleteEmail: druchance@gmail.com
Story Name: No Child Left Behind
Genre: Young Adult Slice of Life
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://richsteeves.blogspot.com/2011/03/ya-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Most teachers acknowledge that it's a good thing their students don't know how much power they wield. Well, the sophomore class at Pleasant Valley High School figured it out, and decided to strike instead of taking a standardized test.
Opening sentence: “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Name: Corinne O'Flynn
ReplyDeleteEmail: oflynn(at)gmail.com
Story Name: Wise Jim and The Expatriates
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: www.corinneoflynn.com
twitter @corinneoflynn
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen year-old Jim Wales can read your mind, but he’s still never understood why his father left when he was born, has no idea his brother blames him for that, and he’s blind to the fact that he’s one-third of a love triangle. But all of this takes a back seat when a falcon appears with a message that sends Jim and his friends on a journey where Jim must use his power to keep the world from being destroyed by an enemy he never knew he had.
Opening sentence: Our caravan of rumbling trucks, hissing 18-wheelers, and ticking diesel motor homes pulled in to the Ventura County fairgrounds just before dawn.
new follower, will blog about this in tomorrow's post.
Name: Kim Welchons
ReplyDeleteEmail: Kim dot welchons at mac doc com
Genre: YA
Blog: http://buildingalife.livejournal.com/59006.html
Two Sentence Pitch: Ever since the magic fabric which changes her into her true form, a seal, was destroyed, Cassie has long given up hope of ever returning to the sea. That is until John washes up, bloody and bruised wearing exactly what she needs to go home.
First Line: Water floods my mouth.
Name: Tracy Buchanan
ReplyDeleteEmail: tracy [at] tracybuchanan.co.uk
Genre: YA gothic romance
Blog link: http://www.tracybuchanan.co.uk/site/index.php/site/blog/
2 Sentence Pitch: Rotting footsteps in the village green, doppelgangers roaming the streets and crows dropping dead from the sky. When life starts resembling an Edgar Allan Poe story, Scarlet finds herself fighting to protect her autistic brother from 12 angry spirits... and risks losing Thomas, the one ghost who can heal the wounds from her past.
Opening sentence: No matter what I dreamt, the water always came; a soft lapping of waves, the faint smell of muddy dampness seeping through the cracks of my dreams.
Name:Suzi McGowen
Story Name:A Troll Wife's Tale
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://suzimcgowen.blogspot.com/2011/03/in-which-there-is-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: A young female troll becomes a tooth fairy. A job that's not as easy as it sounds.
Opening sentence: I hadn't even been on the job a month and I had 14 bruises, a concussion, multiple cuts and abrasions, a broken arm, and now, a gunshot wound.
Name: Kaylee Baldwin
Story Name: If I Fall
Genre: YA
Blog link: kayleebaldwin.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch:
Sixteen year old Brenna Green is best friends and climbing partners with her brother until a traumatic brain injury changes his personality. As Brenna deals with her own guilt and her brother's anger for her role in his accident, she discovers hope through her writing and struggles for courage to open herself up to a new relationship.
Opening sentence: I still had one week to back out.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName:Shelli Cornelison
ReplyDeleteEmail: shellic@austin.rr.com
Genre: Contemporary, YA Novel
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/Shelltex
2 Sentence Pitch: Two seventeen-year-old, recently estranged best friends set out on a secret road trip. If they can manage not to kill each other, they may find their way back to being best friends again, which would be handy since no one else will ever believe their stories from this trip.
Opening sentence: The temporarily emancipated version of me, an angry hornet, and a scorching Texas July morning converge in the center of a labyrinth.
Name: Marquita Hockaday
ReplyDeleteEmail: marquita_hockaday@yahoo.com
Story Name: The Blues
Genre: YA Contemporary Mystery
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: www.seepamwrite.blogspot.com (the blog post will be up Saturday 3/19/2011--sorry, but the week was already planned out on my blog. I'll have the post up by 8 am though Saturday morning).
2 Sentence Pitch: Blake uncovers a secret high school drug scene when his pill pushing best friend turns up dead.
Opening sentence:Henry Knight was found bludgeoned to death early this morning.
@Lori - go ahead!
ReplyDeleteName: Meagan
ReplyDeleteEmail: meagrivers at gmail dot com
Story Name: The Cycle
Genre: YA contemportary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://bit.ly/hYgxnZ
2 Sentence Pitch: When Matthew Friedmann smiles, Bonnie Polk's friends and family see only teeth. Seventeen-year-old Bonnie sees the first guy she's ever loved: the average-looking actor, Matthew.
Opening sentence: At five o’clock in the morning, it was always my bicycle and me.
Name: SM Martin
ReplyDeleteEmail: sensei1901@aol.com
Story Name: Someone's Watching
Genre: YA thriller
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: @smmartin00
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen-year-old April Cooper thought she knew everything about her family's history, not realizing there are dark secrets in her past her father has been keeping from her. Now April is on a mission to uncover the truth, but there is someone who doesn't want her to succeed, someone who will do all in their power to make sure the past remains buried.
Opening sentence: It was the most perfect moment ever.
I'm a follower now!
Name: Rachel Rossano
ReplyDeleteEmail: anavrea@yahoo.com
Story Name: Living Sacrifice
Genre: YA science fiction/fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://rachel-rossano.blogspot.com/
2 Sentence Pitch: Born seventh and female in a society where seventh born sons are desired for their talent abilities, Zezilia struggles with newfound skills and responsibilities. The most powerful talent in the land, Hadrian reluctantly accepts the responsibility of training Zezilia to control her unusual powers while battling for the survival of all talented individuals.
Opening sentence: The lorali bloomed heavy and lush on the first day of Caelestis Novem.
Name: Lisa Basso
ReplyDeleteEmail: LisaMarieBasso (at) yahoo (dot) com
Story Name: Shimmering Angels
Genre: YA Paranormal
Blog link: http://lisa-basso.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch:
When sixteen-year-old Rayna “Ray” Evans spots two angels—one with midnight black wings—nearly four months after her release from the Sunflower Sanitarium, she thinks she’s going crazy again, until she finds her classmate dead from a supposed suicide. With all signs pointing to the angels, Ray must uncover the truth to save the rest of her school from the same fate, but protecting her classmates means not only working with the angels but also trusting them; jeopardizing her heart and her sanity.
Opening sentence: Three months, twelve days, and fifteen hours; I was just starting to get used to freedom again.
Name: Stephanie Campbell
ReplyDeleteEmail: authorgirl1485@live.com
Story Name: POACHER
Genre: YA fantasy
Twitter: http://twitter.com/StephanieECamp
2 Sentence Pitch: Ronnie Toll has been plagued by the ability to see dark, evil creatures from the other side since birth, and he is more than determined to exterminate them. The problem is, he’s taking on more than he bargained for when he tangles with creatures that are larger than life—and himself.
Opening Sentence: "There is something wrong with him," his mother said softly from beyond his door.
Name: Christine Kuehn Kelly
ReplyDeleteEmail: chriskellywriter1@verizon.net
Genre: YA urban fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://chriskellywriter.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/cant-have-too-many-pitch-contests/
2 Sentence Pitch:
When a Philadelphia teen trails her missing dad to Ireland, she finds her destiny linked with young gods and goddesses living as mortal teens. Rescuing her dad and saving her new friends puts her on a collision course with a vengeful god who considers them heretics–and her need to find her true self.
Opening sentence:
The girl stomped hard in the puddle and Roiseen's third favorite pair of black cowboy boots disappeared under an arc of muddy water.
Eeee! There are such great entries coming in. I have read a few of these on Inkpop and they are amazing stories.
ReplyDeleteOh! Isn't this fun??? Woot! Woot!
ReplyDeleteName: Morgan Shamy
Email: MIC804ever@yahoo.com
Story name: Shadow Watchers
Genre: YA Paranormal
Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/Morgan_Shamy and http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=670780416
2 Sentence Pitch:
Clara Reynolds has always known someone was watching her. Then the doctors diagnosed her as delusional.
Opening sentence:
I heard my name spoken softly through the hum of the car.
Name: Jack Flacco
ReplyDeleteEmail: JackFlacco at hotmail dot com
Story Name: The Necklace
Genre: YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/JackFlacco
2 Sentence Pitch: It all started with a kiss. It ended that night with a car crash that changed their lives forever.
Opening sentence: Manor Mines Road in Staten Island has always had its share of automobile fatalities.
Name: Michele Barrow-Belisle
ReplyDeleteEmail: achildsworld@gmail.com
Story Name: FIRE AND ICE
Genre: YA urban fantasy romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://michelebelisle.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch:
A teenage healer with a phobia of blood is forced into the faerie realm to save her parents. But falling in love with her elven prince guide, awakens a curse that binds him to her destruction and forces her to chose between life and love.
Opening sentence:
“You look tired Mrs. Johansson,” I said to the woman with dark purple circles under her eyes.
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ReplyDeleteName: Melissa Barlow
ReplyDeleteEmail: MelissaBarlow777 at yahoo dot com
Story Name: Knights of Avalon
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://survivingwritingabook.blogspot.com/
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen-year-old Justine Kwiatkowski doesn’t believe in magic, doesn’t believe in reincarnation, and she never planned on having to fill King Arthur’s shoes. But if she wants to rescue her best friend Gwen, who's been kidnapped outside the town of Avalon, she’ll have to believe in a world she thought only existed in legend, because her friend happens to be the reincarnation of Guinevere, and fifteen hundred years after the fall of Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table have returned, reborn as New Jersey teens.
Opening sentence: "Hi, Justine. I’m sorry to be calling so late."
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ReplyDeleteNAME: Valerie Ipson
ReplyDeleteEMAIL: vipson(at)cox(dot)net
GENRE: YA Contemporary
BLOG: http://valerieipson.blogspot.com
2 SENTENCE PITCH: Ideal High is anything but. It's a place where cliques and bullies flourish, but also a place where there's a student body president determined to make things right.
OPENING SENTENCE: Whose idea was it to broadcast the screen-sized faces of the dead to the farthest shadowy corners of the school's auditorium?
Name: Kristia S.
ReplyDeleteEmail: xokristeeauhox@aim.com
Story Name: Book One--"Time With Seleste-Destiny"
Genre: YA Fantasy/Adventure/Mystery/Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://xokristeeauhox.blogspot.com/2011/03/short-pitch-agent-contest-entry-come.html
2 Sentence Pitch: “If you had an ability to time travel, could you take a life-threatening chance to stop something from happening? Even for a –loved one?”
Opening sentence: It was a night in the past… It was her present and also her past.
This book is in its first draft stages, and a couple chapters away from being finished. I have the second draft already started.
Thanks for holding the contest!! Great pitches posted already.
ReplyDeleteName: Erin Richards
Email: elrich@yahoo.com
Story Name: Boomerang Nights
Genre: YA contemporary
Blog Link: http://erinrichards.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest-at-yatopia.html
2-Sentence Pitch: With the help of his sister’s ghost and the girl next door, Lucas comes to terms with grief, his identity, and the dangers of vengeance as he hunts his sister’s killers. It's not until a new teacher bullies him with deadly consequences that Lucas learns how revenge can backfire.
Opening Sentence: Silver's babbling spewed through my mind, lame at best, buzz-killing at worst.
Name: Mary Johnson
ReplyDeleteStory Name: HONOR
Genere: YA SF
Blog link: http://mary-j-59.livejournal.com/70609.html
2-sentence pitch: 16-year-old Kiril Tesurik has been raised as a proud Telaka warrior. But, when his little half brother is enslaved, Kiril will abandon everyone he loves and everything he knows in order to rescue him.
First sentence: The boy nodded sharply at the girl holding the holocam and began to speak a second after she started to record
Ooh, I'm definitely entering this! :)
ReplyDeleteName: Bronwyn Scott-McCharen
Email: bscottmcc(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: The Beautiful People
Genre: YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://bronwynscottmcc.blogspot.com/
2 Sentence Pitch:
Seventeen-year-old Cote is forced to keep her relationship with working-class Salvador hidden from her wealthy friends. But after one of them backstabs her by spreading her secret, she’s forced to confront centuries of class hatred and experience the ramifications of breaking the strict rules that govern society in Chile.
Opening sentence: Santiago de Chile is our city.
Name: Trisha Farnan
ReplyDeleteEmail: tay dot sedai at gmail dot com
Genre: MG
Blog: http://thefarseas.blogspot.com/2011/03/200-followers-competitions-and.html
Two Sentence Pitch:
Mouse detective Squeaky McLean’s got his paws full with vigilante turkeys, insubordinate lady rats and an evil nemesis on a serious crime bender. But he’s determined to see his city at peace again, even if it means risking his own furry neck.
First Line:
Long, long ago in the city of Mouseratten, the hulking figure was scaring the fur off any who saw him.
Name: Shayda Bakhshi
ReplyDeleteEmail: shayda.bakhshi (at) gmail (dot) com
Story Name: SPITFIRE
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://slbakhshi.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Mattie Bower can create fire out of nothing, which is cool. When someone finds out and forces her to escape to an entirely different world--where having her gift is punishable by death--things get much less cool.
Opening sentence: Smoke.
Name: Erin Schultz
ReplyDeleteEmail: erin-schultz(at)hotmail(dot)com
Story Name: THE NEW ZERO
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: (RT Sarah Nicolas' tweet re contest) http://twitter.com/erincschultz
2 Sentence Pitch: Seventeen-year-old Lucinda must escape from the Ice Palace and its depraved beast-king before she too becomes a beast. But the King wants to crown a queen, and if Lucinda is chosen her plan for escape could hurt everyone she loves.
Opening sentence: "The men approaching my village trudge through the freshly fallen snow, destroying its smooth surface along with our hope that the call for the New Zero wouldn't go out this year."
Name: Maree Kimberley
ReplyDeleteEmail: mareekimberley[at]gmail.com
Story Name: Rat City
Genre: YA speculative fiction thriller
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/reebee01
2 Sentence Pitch: Shannon Dane’s mistake wasn’t deciding to help his girlfriend Ally discover the reasons behind her twin brother’s painful death. It was finding the chilling truth hidden in the secret journals of Killian, a disgraced genetic scientist—and Felix and Ally’s uncle.
Opening sentence: The first thing you need to know is that the real rules that apply to your life aren’t written in the diary they hand out at the beginning of the school year.
Name: Vanessa Barger
ReplyDeleteEmail: vebarger@gmail.com
Story Name: The Quiet Ones
Genre: YA Paranormal
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://vanessabargerwrites.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/pitch-contest/
2 Sentence Pitch: Surviving a haunted reality show is easy, until things go wrong. Verity must try to keep everyone alive, and decide if the boy she loves may love her to death.
Opening sentence: Imaginations ran wild in a place like this.
Name: Rebekah L. Purdy
ReplyDeleteEmail: rebekahg22 (at) yahoo.com
Story Name: The Fairy Godmother Files: Cinderella Complex
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://rebekahlpurdy.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/agent-pitch-contest/
2 Sentence Pitch: God, what had I gotten myself into? I was the new Fairy Godmother and I had no idea what in the hell I was doing.
Opening sentence: “Oh. My. God. Maggie, he’s here,” Taylor squealed, jerking on my arm.
Name: Bren MacDibble
ReplyDeleteEmail: bren@macdibble.com
Story Name: The Third Species
Genre: YA
Blog link: http://macdibble.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/do-you-have-a-completed-ya-or-childrens-ms-to-pitch/
2 Sentence Pitch: They've been visiting this planet for thousands of years. Troy and Duncan stumble onto the truth about alien sightings and why they've been keeping themselves secret, and now they are the only ones who can stop Earth being offered to the monsters of the universe in a trade deal.
Opening sentence: Duncan swallowed vomit as the news camera counted him in.
Name:Angela Scott
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://tinyurl.com/5u2amcr
2 Sentence Pitch: To join "Red's" posse, Trace has to agree to her terms: no questions and definitely no names. Oh, and should he get bit by the walking dead, he can't cry or beg for mercy when Red's forced to sever his brain stem.
Opening sentence: The zombie saved his life.
Name: J.F. Jenkins
ReplyDeleteEmail: jfjenkinswrites@gmail.com
Story Name: Battlefield
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://jfjenkinswrites.wordpress.com/2011/03/18/agent-pitch-contest-going-on-at-yatopia/
2 Sentence Pitch: The lives of three teens changed the day he fell through the roof of the mall. He told them Earth was the next battlefield.
Opening sentence "Slow down and start over again."
Reposting since I changed my opening last night. :)
ReplyDeleteName: Laura Toeniskoetter
Email: laura[dot]toeniskoetter[at]gmail[dot]com
Story Name: The Assassin
Genre: YA mystery
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:lauratoeniskoetter.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Cassie Dreandry has a deadly secret. Fourteen years ago, her mother was killed by her father, but before her death, Cassie’s mother had words of warning about Cassie’s future.
Opening sentence: It was eerie inside the apartment.
Name: GG Anderson
Story Name:Elemental Souls and the Crystal Prophecy
Genre:YA fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:gganderson.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch:Kai isn’t normal-his destiny was written before he was born. He must find the other four elemental children and balance the universe while still managing the struggles of girls and high school-Yeah this should be easy.
Opening sentence: “This is so pointless,” he threw the cigarette down, “What are we even doing here Smith, come on, we need to get out of here.”
Name: Emma Svensson
ReplyDeleteEmail: esvensson1(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: I Am Anu
Genre: YA Horror, Paranormal
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://emsy144.livejournal.com/
2 Sentence Pitch: When the world is against you, cowering in a corner is not an option. Nothing is.
Opening sentence: A vast expanse of reddish-grey sand stretches out seemingly forever.
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ReplyDeleteWow, I really thought I was following you! My bad.
ReplyDeleteName: Lauren (Empress Awesome)
Email: empressawesome1@gmail.com
Story Name: Untitled
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://empressawesome.blogspot.com/2011/03/attention-all-writers.html
2 Sentence Pitch:Twilight-obsessed Jeanette thinks she's just found her very own vampire boyfriend. Unfortunately, in The World of Jeanette, sexy Irish boys with albinism can sometimes be mistaken for the undead, and when he breaks up with her over the mix up it's going to take a lot more than an apology to get him back.
Opening sentence: Either I was dreaming all day, or Edward Cullen is going to my school.
Name: Erica Olson
ReplyDeleteEmail: ericao75(at)hotmail(dot)com
Story Name: A New Day
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog: http://lynneawest.blogspot.com/ (posting 3/19)
2 sentence pitch: Kenz Grayson never thought she'd spend her summer in a new town, let alone dodging a group of nasty girls, nursing her mom back to health after an accident, or learning to love, and then lose, exactly the right guy for her. Well-known for choosing flight over fight, it's up to her to decide what it will take to make her truly happy, and if she's strong enough to do it.
Opening sentence: I slammed the car door and rushed past the men putting pieces of my life into a big white truck.
I'm not sure if I can enter MG, but someone else did so I hope it's alright. Yes, I realize it's a YA site, but it fits under children's lit.
ReplyDeleteName: Bekah K.S.
ReplyDeleteGenre: MG Sci Fi/Fantasy
Title: Parallel Earth
Link: http://rebekahstories.blogspot.com/2011/03/another-contest-at-yatopia.html
2 sentence pitch: Twelve-year old twins Haley and Wyatt are opposites, which is sort of a problem when they're accidentally transported to another dimension with two-headed animals, flying stump scooters, and mystical talking bushes. Oh, and a group aliens that is hunting the twins for their remarkable human bone cells.
Opening sentence: A marble sizzled with blue sparks under Wyatt Parker's desk.
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ReplyDeleteName: Taryn
ReplyDeleteEmail: tarynal AT hotmail.com
Story Name: Splashback
Genre: YA Thriller
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://afoolsgoldenparadise.blogspot.com/2011/03/contests-not-mine-this-time.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Top-ranked swimmer Lottie Maverick is sick of the sport that sucked away her life, but now some Olympics-obsessed criminal says he'll return her missing sister if she makes the Olympic team.
Opening sentence: The Sour Patch Kids in the bottom of Heidi Maverick's sparkly clutch probably bothered him the most.
Name: Isaac Stewart
ReplyDeleteEmail: izykstewart at gmail dot com
Story Name: Unlucky
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Twitter link: http://twitter.com/#!/IzykStewart
2 Sentence Pitch: Through a series of terrible coincidences, a supernaturally unlucky thirteen-year old is transported to a world atop the back of a giant mechanical spider. He has to learn how to control and overcome his bad luck in order to defeat an evil robot dictator, free the enslaved children, and return home.
Opening sentence: It was an ordinary cement truck, except that it was not full of cement. It was full of chocolate pudding.
Just noticed that my comment was done as my Google profile...which is different from my Blogger profile (but I only have a Blogger profile because of a blog I had to do for a class last semester).
ReplyDeleteAnyway...wanted to clarify that I am a YAtopia follower! It's just under the name erin-schultz.
I just wanted to answer Kris's question about the blog design. We knew we wanted a "utopian" feel so we found a standard template we liked and our designers (Kelley can give you more info) tweaked it and poked and prodded until we were satisfied :-) (Trying to get eight people to decide on a design wasn't exactly the easiest part of starting this blog)
ReplyDeleteName: Christy Hintz
ReplyDeleteEmail: lynnea.west@gmail.com
Story Name: Solstice
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: www.lynneawest.blogspot.com (posting 3/19) and www.twitter.com/ericaandchristy
2 Sentence Pitch:
A teenage girl watches shadows form around the people of her city as they become ill and die. Unaffected by the epidemic, she escapes to a forbidden alternate dimension to bring back a cure before it's too late to save those she loves.
Opening sentence:
I hugged the journal, pressing it into my chest.
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ReplyDeleteName: Jessie Harrell & Nikki Katz
ReplyDeleteemail: jessieharrell@me.com -- nvkatz@gmail.com
Story Name: Beneath the Surface
Genre: YA Mythological/Paranormal Romance
Blog Post: http://jessie-harrell.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch:
A timeless love or an endless curse. Which one will survive the summer?
Opening Sentence:
I seriously need to have my head examined.
Thanks for the opportunity, ladies! Love the blog.
Name: Michelle Scheponik
ReplyDeleteEmail: michellescheponik@gmail.com
Story Name: Sit Tight, Take Hold
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog link: http://inktopialand.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest-on-yatopia-blog.html
Twitter link: http://twitter.com/#!/meeeshelley/status/48861077273968640
2 Sentence Pitch: When American, small-town girl Regan meets English, city-boy Tristan, sparks fly--adventurous sparks, competitive sparks, and hopefully-just-maybe romantic sparks. But for a girl who's not used to taking second place and a boy who's not used to giving up a challenge, a summer full of unlit matches might just lead to a fizzle.
Opening Sentence: I had assumed he was a dirty, rotten swing-stealer when we first met.
How is a winner chosen? You don't specify if it's random or if Amma-Joan chooses or if you choose...
ReplyDeleteName: J E Fritz
ReplyDeleteEmail: jefritz4(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: A Safe Place In Hell
Genre: YA Dystopian
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://jefritz.blogspot.com/2011/03/distraction-friday_18.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Centuries after an apocalypse that was more of a whimper than a bang, sixteen-year-old Eddie Watson tries to prove he’s tough enough to survive. Instead, he pisses off someone who really does know how to negotiate a world governed by weapons and all he can do is flee before he suffers from a sudden case of bullet-to-the-brain.
Opening sentence: The windy season was over.
Name: Mike Goldstein
ReplyDeleteEmail: horse-frog@live.com
Story Name: The Plastic King
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog Post: http://yesthatmichaelgoldstein.blogspot.com/2011/03/yatopia-agent-pitch-contest.html
Facebook Post: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001066491895
Two-Sentence Pitch: Jeremy is the King of his new school, even if his subjects are completely oblivious to his existence. But he may have to give up his crown to find his Queen.
Opening Sentence: I was 14 when my reign began.
Thank you!
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ReplyDeleteName: Jennifer Nelson
ReplyDeleteEmail: jennelson18@aol.com
Story Name: Violet Airalee: Mystery of the Secret Fountain
Genre: Middle Grade Mystery
Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php
2 Sentence Pitch: Eleven year old Violet ends up on another planet, only to discover that a mystery involving a secret fountain awaits her. But unbeknownst to Violet, as she pieces the clues together, she’s helping someone else in their own game, and Violet’s life is the prize.
Opening sentence: Violet Airalee used her thumbnail to scrape away the remains of a spider, dried and flattened against the concrete, an unwitting victim to a tennis shoe.
Name: Stephanie Campbell
ReplyDeleteEmail: steph.campbell725@gmail.com
Story Name: Beautiful Things Never Last
Genre: Contemporary YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://stephcampbell.blogspot.com/
2 Sentence Pitch: Eighteen-year-old Quinn MacPherson has serious issues- she can’t even commit to a nail polish choice, much less some guy. Unfortunately for her, Benjamin Shaw is not just some guy, and that scares the hell out of her.
Opening sentence: My mother is totally nuts.
Great stuff! Keep them coming guys!!
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ReplyDeleteName: Jolene Perry
ReplyDeleteEmail: jolenebperry at gmail
Story Name: INSIGHT
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Blog: www.jolenesbeenwriting.blogspot.com
2 sentence pitch: Three visions change Micah's life - a man's face from her mom, her face from a boy, and an accident involving one of the three. But as she desperately works to prevent the circumstances surrounding the crash, she realizes she may have just become the cause.
Opening Sentence: It's our last night before moving on, but even the relief probably won't help me sleep.
Thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteName: Jenn
Email: phanhnguyen1 at yahoo.com
Story Name: WISTFUL
Genre: YA Historical Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://giveintotemptation-jenn.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: After her forced marriage to a withering wealthy viscount, sixteen-year-old Julie Hawthorne runs away from home and finds sanctuary with the poor Bennett family – as a boy. Before long she falls in love with the eldest son and head of the family, Hayden Bennett, who considers her the ‘brother’ he never had.
Opening sentence: With one last look over her shoulder at Fairview manor, the only home she’d ever known, Julie Hawthorne wrenched the thick gold band off her finger.
Thanks to all at Yatopia and to Ammi-Joan Paquette for this exciting opportunity. :D
ReplyDeleteName:Elaine Am SMith
Email: elaineamsmith@live.co.uk
Genre: Sci-fi Upper MG
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:notexactlyblogging.blogspot.com
Twitter @elaineamsmith
2 Sentence Pitch: In ENCOUNTERS, Thursday and Ethan learn who they are and what they aren’t – what it means to be human – when one of them is suspected of being alien and the other is... not from around here.
Opening sentence:She wedged her feet against the rail but it didn’t stop her sliding.
Name: Chelsey Blair
ReplyDeleteEmail: chelseyblair@gmail.com
Story Name: Background Vocals
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:
2 Sentence Pitch: Seventeen-year-old guitarist Meridian promises Natalie that she won't run away in search of a record deal until her cousin can handle her new prosthetic leg. She's still determined to find an outlet for her music in the suburb where her French accent and pink hair have earned her the nickname Madame la Freak.
Opening sentence: Outside of Boston’s South Station I became the anonymous girl-with-the-guitar, the person I’d been when the Paris streets had been mine to fill with music.
Name: Michael Di Gesu
ReplyDeleteEmail: mculii@aol.com
Story Name: Amber and the Whispering Willows
Genre: M/G Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://writing-art-and-design.blogspot.com/2011/03/harry-potter-blogfest-who-would-be-your.html
2 Sentence pitch: A plague is unleashed in the human and fairy realms by an evil fae from the fairy underworld. Born with a gift of the winds, only eleven-year-old Amber can stop it.
Opening sentence: Car lights flooded the Esplanade as limo after limo pulled into the circular driveway of the the Mayor of Helmsdale’s mansion.
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ReplyDeleteName: Leigh T. Moore
ReplyDeleteEmail: leightmoore(at)gmail(dot)com
Genre: commercial YA rom-com
Blog link: http://leightmoore.com
Pitch: Sixteen year-old Harley, the town minister's daughter, is all ready to throw herself at the boy of her dreams when the new guy hits her with his car. Now he's her self-appointed "guardian angel," but as things heat up between them, her homelife takes a turn for the worse when her mom's accused of adultery.
First sentence: I slammed on my brakes and watched the longest light in Shadow Falls turn from yellow to red.
@Anon - Ammi-Joan will be going through and selecting the winners based on your pitches. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteName: Hilary
ReplyDeleteEmail: purkey[dot]returns[at]gmail[dot]com
Story Name: Imaginary Friends
Genre: YA Horror
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://otakupiggie.blogspot.com/2011/03/shhh-im-not-supposed-to-enter.html
2 Sentence Pitch: They want to play a game; they want to me kill. But they aren't even real.
Opening sentence: Sometimes I wonder why I even try.
Name: Zoë Call
ReplyDeleteEmail: zcall13@gmail.com
Story Name: Save Us!
Genre: YA Science Fiction (Dystopian), Romance
Link: http://19waystodoeverything.blogspot.com/
Pitch: Cedrik, Bain, and Robby – born and raised in different times and places – are all set against impossible odds to do one thing: Save the world. But the real question is, does the world really need saving?
Opening Sentence:
April 8, 5987
It is the dawn of a new day.
Name: Elsha Hawk
Story Name:Leeto Homero
Genre:Children's/ Intermediate reader
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://elshahawkscribblins.blogspot.com/2011/03/at-it-again.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Leeto Homero, having lost his parents to The Fever, moves in with his Nana. When Nana suddenly becomes ill, Leeto, joined by his trusted teddy, his Nana’s cat, and a tiny Merlin, soon battles difficult riddles, a kraken, and an army of trolls commanded by the evil skeleton king to reach the gods and remind them about his ailing Nana.
Opening sentence: My name is Leeto, but everyone calls me Little.
Name: Kate Larkindale
ReplyDeleteEmail: katelarkindale(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Assignment 9
Genre: YA contemporary
Blog link: http://katelarkindale.blogspot.com
2 sentence pitch: Serially abandoned as a child, Casey struggles with relationships until she meets the equally damaged Mark in her creative writing class. An autobiography assignment leads her to acknowledge the roots of her fears and gives her the strength to let him into her life.
Opening sentence: He’s going to call on me. He’s going to call on me and I’ll probably puke.
Assignment 9 is a completed manuscript.
Name: Nicole Zoltack
ReplyDeleteEmail: Nicole.Zoltack AT gmail.com
Story Name: Riona's Pen
Genre: Fantasy YA
Blog link: http://nicolezoltack.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
Pitch: When the mysterious Artex gives fifteen-year-old aspiring novelist Riona a magical pen that writes of its own accord, she discovers the Land of Imagining, a world only she can save from demons. Riona will do anything, even if it means giving up her pen, to save the inhabitants, including Artex, whom she might be falling in love with.
Opening sentence: Mr. McMichaels hated me ever since he confiscated a story I wrote during class.
Name: Marsha Sigman
ReplyDeleteEmail: marshasigman@msn.com
Story Name: Slip
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog Link: http://marshasmusing.blogspot.com/2011/03/contest-alert.html
Pitch: When a secret organization whose sole purpose is to protect the Divide between stories, discovers Mattie Burns can slip into anything she reads and change it, they recruit her to work for them. If Mattie can manage to get through the training without them finding out she’s hiding fugitive characters, she might be able to save more than one world, and start watching TV instead.
Opening Sentence: I slung the heavy bag of dry cleaning over my left shoulder and wrestled with the door of the Impala.
Very cool! Thanks for hosting this. :)
ReplyDeleteName: Janet Johnson
Email: rjljohnson.janet@gmail.com
Story Name: The Peanut Butter and Jelly Friendship
Genre: MG Contemporary
Blog link: http://janetsumnerjohnson.blogspot.com/2011/03/pitch-contest-at-yatopia.html
2 Sentence Pitch: When her best friend's house is threatened with foreclosure, ten-year-old Annie Jenkins is full of ideas to save it: selling her appendix on e-bay, winning the lottery, finding a hidden treasure . . . But when her plans go awry, Annie discovers there are worse things than her best friend moving.
Opening sentence: When they'd first started the cemetery, Annie always hoped for rain.
Name: PK Hrezo
ReplyDeleteEmail: pakazo77@gmail.com
Story Name: Starsong
Genre: YA contemporary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://pk-hrezo.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen year old Wynonna Pinks hates that her mom can't look past her new boyfriend's Muslim background, while his parents assume Wynonna is a bad influence on their darling son. Wynonna's faced with the decision of dealing with their parents' disapproval or breaking it off with the one guy who really gets her.
Opening sentence: I will flat out die of embarrassment if Tanner Westin sees my notebook.
Name: L.L. McKinney
ReplyDeleteEmail: Tangynt at ymail dot com
Story Name: Coveted
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://tangynt.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/hey-batterbatterbatter-suh-wing-batter/
2 Sentence Pitch: Heaven wants him to vanquish evil, hell wants him to dethrone grace, and the humans caught in the messy middle? They just want him dead.
Opening sentence: I'm going to kill him.
Name: Lindsay Cummings
ReplyDeleteEmail: lindsaycummings20@yahoo.com
Story Name: CHANGED
Genre: YA dystopian SciFi
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://lindsaycummingsblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/ya-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: A rebellious teen learns she has the ability to throw her vision around corners and obstacles, and she uses it to uncover the secrets behind the disappearances of the outcasts in a world that is completely surrounded by walls. The only problem is: she's next to disappear.
Opening sentence: Numb...I am always, always numb.
Name: Rebecca Christiansen
ReplyDeleteEmail: rachristiansen (at) live (dot) ca
Story Name: FAKE
Genre: YA contemporary
Blog link: http://nerdgirlreadsandwrites.blogspot.com/2011/03/ya-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Jen Carter's fifteen-sibling family stars in a hit reality show that glamorizes their conservative Christian lifestyle. To escape the chaos, Jen creates a fake identity online and uncovers a strange truth about herself - she's transsexual, and now she has to tell her parents.
Opening sentence: My father holds my diary open in his palm.
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ReplyDeleteName: Marie Rearden
ReplyDeleteEmail: marie@marierearden.com
Story Name: Deadly Dark Dreams
Genre: Paranormal Young Adult
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://marierearden.blogspot.com/2011/03/red-riding-hood-review-in-100-words.html
2 Sentence Pitch: A high school junior escapes death by striking a deal with the Afterlife’s gatekeeper to steal memories from the living. When she finds out her visit to the next life stamped a beacon on her soul that is drawing new and dangerous faces to her school, she must parade as hunter and prey to hold up her end of the bargain or risk losing her own memories or even her life.
Opening sentence: Prep schools aren’t just for the preppy.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Marie at the Cheetah
I forgot to include a link to my blog entry. Here it is!
Original Post:
Name: Kris Summers
Email: elfdrop(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Phenomenally
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Blog: http://writekris.blogspot.com
Two sentence pitch: They killed her once; now they want her dead for good. No matter how much Sierra wants to live a normal life, she can no longer escape the paranormal world.
Opening sentence: It started as a whisper.
Name: Kylie Calwell
ReplyDeleteEmail: kyliecalwell(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Less Than Perfect
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog Link: http://kyliecalwell.wordpress.com/2011/03/20/just-for-the-hell-of-it/
Two Sentence Pitch: Zoe has a secret, something not even her best friend knows. So how is it that a complete stranger can talk to her once and know what it is.
Opening Sentence:I am numb.
Name: Erinn Manack
ReplyDeleteEmail: fussmonkey2@gmail.com
Story Name:No System At All
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: https://twitter.com/#!/fussymonkey2
2 Sentence Pitch: Colin McCaffery’s high school career has always been about bringing justice to school bullies and keeping a low profile and music. But when his dreams of Julliard are dashed and the idea of becoming a rock star becomes a reality.
Opening sentence: There was a rumor floating about the suburbs of Princeton, New Jersey that if you were a douche of unspeakable proportions the McCaffrey brothers paid you a visit with punishments so swift and fitting the you either changed your ways, moved, or went to jail.
Name:Michelle Flick
Story Name:The Owens Legacy: Revelations
Genre:Paranormal YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:www.flickspicks1.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: The telekinetic Owens twins find out truths of their family history, their loves, and themselves when factions at Evermore Academy battle over the revelations of an ancient prophecy, which deals with their special heritage. Headmistress Lamia doesn’t seem to be as nice as she first seems either, playing a major role as the girls learn more about their past, causing Piper to question everyone around her, straining her previously unbreakable relationship with Ryder.
Opening sentence:Where have they dropped us this time?
We're just about half way over the maximum number of entries (there are a lot more comments than entries) so keep those entries coming!
ReplyDeleteName:Christopher Ledbetter
ReplyDeleteEmail: cs_ledbetter@yahoo.com
Story Name: The Sky Throne
Genre: Mythological YA
Blog Link: http://caenus.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
Twitter Link: http://twitter.com/#!/Chris_Ledbetter/status/49228181265321984
2 Sentence Pitch: When a fifteen year old boy's mother is attacked, he discovers that she was never his mother. And now powerful deities are hunting him and the siblings he never knew he had.
Opening Sentence: A burning sensation spider-webbed through my lungs as I crested a high ridge.
Name: Brandi K
ReplyDeleteEmail: brandileigh2003@yahoo.com
Story Name: Fractured
Genre: YA Contemporary
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: Http://blkosiner.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Meredith has learned the rules for survival: never be late, call home secretly, and above all, keep Kaden happy. When she meets Kaden, a charming engineering student, she’s swept up in her first love and feels like she can be whole again; but Kaden seems like two different people; the gentle and attentive boy she fell in love with and a dark and angry stranger.
Opening sentence: I scan the audience desperately hoping to see my parents’ faces; I feel sick to my stomach at the fact they’re not here.
Name: Jamie McHenry
ReplyDeleteEmail: mchenry.jamie@gmail.com
Story Name: On Fallen Wings
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: twitter.com/wingwriter
2 Sentence Pitch: Faeries aren't supposed to turn bad. When her fiance disappears, seventeen-year-old Rhiannon Phillips must choose between the life she loves and the life he could lose.
Opening sentence: Innocent.
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ReplyDeleteName:Su Chu
ReplyDeleteEmail:ksbaby4 @yahoo. com
Story Name:Journey
Genre:YA UF Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://twitter.com/#!/sirra_girl
2 Sentence Pitch: 16 year-old alien girl takes her first journey with only 3 rules to abide by: never use her power, never reveal her race, and never get involved with humans. She breaks all 3 when she meets a human boy, and the war begins.
Opening sentence: Remember the code.
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ReplyDeleteName: Chersti Nieveen
ReplyDeleteEmail: chersti.nieveen [at] gmail [dot] com
Genre: YA Dystopia
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://cherstinieveen.wordpress.com/2011/03/20/show-me-the-voice-contest/ (mentioned at the end of the post) twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/chersti/status/49582988123586560
2 Sentence Pitch:
In a world where Armageddon is imminent, Mykelle is elected to survive. When she discovers that the natural disasters outside are really a government plot for eugenics, Mykelle decides to take action before 95% of the world is destroyed.
Opening sentence:
The clock read 10:54 and thirty-two seconds when the soldier came into my fitness class.
Name: Margo Berendsen
ReplyDeleteEmail: berendsen70 at yahoo
Story name: A Handful of Scars
Genre: YA historical fantasy
Blog link: http://margoberendsen.blogspot.com/2011/03/show-me-voice.html
A genie in a lamp is one thing, but the relic Sidain inherits contains two genies who are mortal enemies - and a whole lotta trouble. So much for three wishes.
Opening sentence:
It all started when my mother asked me what I wanted for my birthday.
Name: Karen Krueger
ReplyDeleteEmail: karenmkrueger (at) gmail (dot) com
Story name: MELISMA
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Blog link: http://karenmkrueger.wordpress.com/2011/03/20/show-me-the-voice-contest-revised-1/
After seventeen-year-old Tessa loses her ability to sing, she finds herself in a world where music is magic. There she discovers a secret that puts her on the government’s most wanted list, forcing her to find her voice to save her life.
Opening sentence:
A red velvet curtain is the only thing that stands between me and the buzzing audience as they fill up their seats.
Name: D. L. Cocchio
ReplyDeleteEmail: debbiecocchio@yahoo.com
Story Name: Souls Entwined
Genre: YA Paranormal
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://dlcocchio.blogspot.com/2011_03_01_archive.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen-year-old Rachel Wells and her friends are far from normal, each exhibiting special paranormal talents, including Billy who takes a risk linking his mind to hers and takes her places she’s never been before, while teaching her trust and compassion through telepathy and meditation, awakening a newfound desire within her. After dealing with a friend whose black magic obsession complicates things, Rachel and Billy go through an incredible journey, learning the hard way about the importance of protection, trust, courage, and the value of friendship.
Opening sentence: Life is never normal when you have friends like mine; my name is Rachel Wells and I have a special gift, a paranormal one at that.
Name: Heather Kuehl
ReplyDeleteEmail: heatherkuehl(at)gmail(dot)com
Story Name: Of Wolf and Man
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Blog link: http://heatherkuehl.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch:
When Juliet Swift's life is saved by her classmate, the dangerous Jensen Stevenson, her normal high school life immediately gets turned upside down. If the three "uber" wolves that attacked her after a football game wasn't bad enough, it seems that Jensen is hiding a dark secret that could be the missing link to her near-mauling.
Opening sentence:
He never took his eyes off of me as he picked up his lunch tray.
Name: Angela T. Marie
ReplyDeleteEmail: writerangelatmarie@gmail.com
Story Name: I Know How You Feel
Genre: Young Adult
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://novelistangelatmarie.blogspot.com/2011/03/contests-are-my-new-drug.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Everyone has their secrets. Mine, if revealed, could save hundreds from a plot of terrorism, but it could also kill me.
Opening sentence: Have you ever taken a stab in the dark when answering a question and got it exactly right?
Rather than delete and repost my comment with the actual blog link, I'll just put it here: http://heatherkuehl.blogspot.com/2011/03/yatopia-pitch-contest.html
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Name: Amie Kaufman
ReplyDeleteEmail: amiekaufman ~at~ gmail ~dot~ com
Story Name: CURSED
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/AmieKaufman/status/49747401422024704 and I'll also be blogging on Tuesday 22nd at http://amiekaufman.com
2 Sentence Pitch: It started with a chicken stampede and ended with a curse that twelve year old Samuel Lander can't shake. Now, if he can't find a way to break it, his family will be broken instead.
Opening sentence: Samuel was already running when the miller's shed exploded.
Name: Emma Collaro
ReplyDeleteEmail: emaone1(at) gmail (dot) com
Story Name: Tuneful
Genre: YA Romance
Twitter Link: http://twitter.com/emcollaro/status/49833464232542208
Two Sentence Pitch: When teenage punk rock musician, Blake Hunter, fell for fellow musical sensation, Summer Scotch, he thought he might have found the right girl; until she broke his heart. A year later, they are reunited to sing for the soundtrack of a film—a chance to meet again and possibly rekindle the lost romance—until Blake discovers that the film's leading actor is Summer's new boyfriend.
Opening Sentence: August Burns Red is blasting through my headphones while a copy of Hello lies on my study beside my crumpled pile of unwanted songs.
Cindy Hogan
Young adult
It takes more than a school trip to Washington, D.C. to change fifteen-year-old Christy Hadden's life. It takes murder.
I plastered a smile on my face, trying in vain to stop the shiver that traveled with slow determination up my spine.
Name: Kevin Smith
ReplyDeleteEmail: mvkevin@gmail.com
Story Name: Joshua Fallon and the Matter of Darkness
Genre: MG Science Fiction
Blog Link: http://kevinanddeborah.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest.html
Two Sentence Pitch: 13-year-old Joshua Fallen awakes with the ability to wield dark matter, and discovers that some wicked aliens are after him. Now he and his best friends Rod and Jamie must prevent the universe from being destroyed by the very power he wields.
Opening Sentence: Where’s my bed? I thought to myself, flailing beneath me and finding nothing there.
Name: J. Keller Ford
ReplyDeleteE-mail: kford2007@gmail.com
Story Name: In the Shadow of the Dragon King
Genre: YA Urban Contemporary Fantasy
Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000722258701
2-Sentence pitch: In a time of magic, the fate of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of two teens: an orphan from Havendale, Tennessee, and a squire from Estaria. Ensnared in a web of deception and mayhem, they must rely on one another to battle their demons, both real and imaginary . . . and win.
Opening sentence: David Heiland threw down the PS3 controller and scrambled onto the balcony as four F-18 Hornets screamed overhead and disappeared over the Tennessee Mountains.
Name: T.D. McFrost
ReplyDeleteEmail: tysond (dot) mcdonald (at) gmail.com
Story Name: Bane Hollow and The Apocalypse of Judgment
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy/Mystery/Adventure
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://tdmcfrost.blogspot.com/2011/03/pimp-my-writing.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Twelve-year-old Bane Hollow is an orphaned superhero, who has but a silver, un-openable box to remember his parents. But when this is stolen by the demi-god that murdered them, Bane must track down this monster at all cost, or lose his life not to angels and fiends, but by what lurks within the silver box.
Opening sentence: Valeous Rex was the most extraordinary boy in the whole wide world, and quite proud of it, yes siree!
My novel is finished, but not extensively edited. So, we'll see what happens. If I win then at least I'll know that my pitch is good. :)
ReplyDeleteName: Elanor Lawrence
Email: elanor_gamgee(at)yahoo(dot)com
Story Name: WANDER
Genre: YA International Thriller
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://elanorlawrence.blogspot.com/2011/03/other-writing-blogs-youll-enjoy.html
2 Sentence Pitch: A meeting via webcam makes Ida the sole witness to a kidnapping, and the only one able to rescue the victim, Wander, from an international terrorist organization. Driving halfway across the continent to keep Wander safe from the terrorists, Ida's determination never wavers, until she realizes that the most bloodthirsty terrorist is the girl sitting in her passenger seat.
Opening sentence: Question: What do you say to someone who's your best friend, but you've never met?
Name: Melissa West
ReplyDeleteEmail: mbwest_writes(at)yahoo(dot)com
Genre:YA sci-fi romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:
2 Sentence Pitch:
When a sixteen-year-old girl falls for an alien spy, she must choose between her love for him and her prearranged future. But choosing him will force her to abandon more than just her family and friends--her humanity.
Opening sentence:
I stare out my window into the darkness of night, hoping to see them--or rather him.
Thanks for the fun contest! Here's my entry...
ReplyDeleteName: Julie Musil
Email: julie@juliemusil.com
I’m a follower of your blog
On 3/22 my blog post will include your contest: http://juliemusil.blogspot.com
I tweeted about the contest on 3/21 @juliemusil
Genre: YA Paranormal
Pitch: Manny O’Donnell is a modern-day Scrooge at the top of his high school’s wish-you-were-me food chain. He faces three temperamental ghosts as he outruns arson charges, falls for his fire victim, & battles for redemption.
First Line: Manny O’Donnell was ten years old when he started his first fire.
Awesome contest! Here's my entry!
ReplyDeleteName: Kalen O'Donnell
Email: kalenodonnell@gmail.com
Story Name: Dust to Dust
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog link: http://houseofegoandmadness.blogspot.com/2011/03/yatopia.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Micah is the youngest child in a family gifted with magic and cursed with a compulsion to kill each other on sight. And in his family, being the baby doesn't cut you any slack - it just marks you as weaker prey.
Opening sentence: For my sixteenth birthday, my oldest brother tried to kill me again.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Cindy R. Williams
ReplyDeleteEmail: cindywritestuff@hotmail.com
Story Name: Thundertail's Tale
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Blog Link: www.writersmirror.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: Chase, a dragon fanatic, has bigger problems than his acrophobia now that goblins and dark magic creatures are after him. Soon he must face his fears when he rescues a dragon from the evil Gatekeepers of Shadows and becomes part of an explosive air battle over the mysterious Superstition Mountains in the Arizona desert.
Opening Sentence: A cold shiver ran down Chase's back in spite of the warm desert night as the air sizzled with spookiness.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Pierre Sylvestre
ReplyDeleteEmail: pierre.sylvestre@gmail.com
Story Name: Deathless: The Reawakening
Genre: YA urban fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: @kickinya
2 Sentence Pitch:
Fourteen-year-old Aaren Danielson is traumatized by the revelation that his parents actually kidnapped him and raised him in their fake family. Aaren launches an investigation to locate his biological parents and discover his real identity, but he will have to escape a clan of immortals who rise from the shadows, ready to unleash Hell on Earth.
Opening sentence:
Scorching rays from the California sun beamed through the large glass windows, bathing the two occupants of Danielson Tae Kwon Do’s main training room in natural light.
Name: Terry Deighton
ReplyDeleteEmail: atdeighton@comcast.net
Story Name: Tweaks, The Beginning
Genre: Middle Grade Adventure
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=526057638
Two Sentence Pitch: Henry Johnson, a sixth-grade mind reader and his friends must unite with the school bully to evade a greedy geneticist who has kidnapped Henry's parents in hopes of finding the Tweaks and using them as military test subjects. Still new to their abilities, the group must use time regulation, telekinesis, and thought manipulation to rescue Henry’s parents and avoid further experimentation by the menacing doctor.
First Line: “Earth to Henry. Get going.” Chuck Messer gave Henry Johnson a shove from behind and added, “Moron.”
Name: Sara Francis-Fujimura
ReplyDeleteEmail: sarafujimura(at)cox(dot)net
Story Name: BREATHE
Genre: YA Historical Fiction
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/SaraFujimura
“Contest for #yalit writers: Super agent Ammi-Joan Paquette is doing a pitch contest for http://yatopia.blogspot.com. Don't delay! #kidlit”
2 Sentence Pitch: Sixteen-year-old Virginia Jackson defies age, class, and gender barriers to make a significant contribution as a healthcare worker when Philadelphia is immobilized by the Spanish flu in 1918. In return, Virginia finds her passion, her voice, and what it means to be a modern woman in a new era of American history.
Opening sentence: I breathed deeply, the air smelling of tree bark, firecrackers, and rain-heavy clouds.
Name: S. Kyle Davis
ReplyDeleteEmail: kyle (at) skyledavis (dot) com
Genre: YA Fantasy Thriller
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: skyledavis.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch: When a team of elfin spy-school recruiters die saving 16-year-old witch Taylor Keaton's life, she decides to take on their final mission. With only the project name to go on and a few short months to find the truth, Taylor must discover what a team of dark sorcerers are trying to steal and steal it herself, before they gain even more power and further unbalance the rift between between themselves and the rest of the magical world (and if she could do it before they kill her, that would help, too).
Opening sentence: "I couldn’t imagine a more appropriately-named metal club than The Hell Hole."
Name: Denise Grover Swank
ReplyDeleteEmail: dms052564@gmail.com
Story Name: TORN
Genre: YA Science Fiction
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://www.deniseswank.com/2011/03/ya-pitch-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Living with the guilt of her best friend's death, sixteen year old Julia is surprised when a popular boy at school suddenly seems obsessed with her. When he tells Julia her best friend is alive and he can take her to see her, Julia jumps at the chance only to find herself in another nightmare that involves two worlds.
Opening sentence: The second hand of the clock jerks with each tick in odd, click-spaz movement.
I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks!
There are some great pitches and first sentences here! Just sayin'.....
ReplyDeleteName: Margay Leah Justice
ReplyDeleteEmail: Margay1122 @ gmail.com
Story Name: The Goode Girl
Genre: Contemporary YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://margayleahjustice.com/?p=402
2 Sentence Pitch: Irene Goode is a plain girl in a beautiful world with a boundless crush on the boy next door, Sam Cassidy. But when they uncover a secret that binds their families together, the truth threatens to destroy their tenuous friendship.
Opening sentence: I always knew my name would get me into trouble one day.
Name: Katie Kelly
ReplyDeleteEmail: k.kelly.books at gmail dot com
Story Name: Lady in Waiting
Genre: YA Fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/Katie_writes/status/50235012611710976
2 Sentence Pitch: Fifteen-year-old Kaia Huntley is a Lady in Waiting; a mortal girl who is fated to become the next Lady of the Lake. When an ancient enemy reawakens and threatens the magic of Avalon, she must fight to protect her destiny.
Opening sentence: Kicking butt in an evening gown and strappy heels is no easy feat.
Help! I have changed my first sentence (and improved it, I hope.) I'd like to remove my earlier post but can't see how to do it. Anyway, here is my revised entry - and thanks for the contest!
ReplyDeleteName: Mary Johnson
Story Name: HONOR
Genere: YA SF
Blog link: http://mary-j-59.livejournal.com/70609.html
2-sentence pitch: 16-year-old Kiril Tesurik has been raised as a proud Telaka warrior. But, when his little half brother is enslaved, Kiril will abandon everyone he loves and everything he knows in order to rescue him.
First sentence: The boy jerked his chin at the girl holding the holocam: he was ready.
Name: Jared Garrett
ReplyDeleteEmail: jared.n.garrett@gmail.com
Story Name: The Cabin
Genre: YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://www.jaredgarrett.com/?p=746
2 Sentence Pitch: Josh and his two older brothers, along with several other kids, are being raised in a communal, insulated cult which their mother runs. After Josh's older brother leaves and is killed, Josh has to fight for his freedom, but first has to understand what it is he is fighting.
Opening sentence: The smell of burned toast hung heavy in the air as I rolled out of bed.
Name: Kristin Lynn Thetford
ReplyDeleteEmail: kristinthetford@msn.com
Story Name: Silhouette
Genre: YA Paranormal Suspense
Blog link: http://kristinlynnthetford.blogspot.com/2011/03/writing-hint-11-and-pitch-contest.html
Two Sentence Pitch: For seventeen-year old Alana, life on the streets is difficult and dangerous, but finding an ancient dagger changes difficult and dangerous to dangerous and deadly. She finds herself a pawn in an age-old fight between two very different societies, but this time the stakes are higher than ever – chemical weapons, world domination, and her own life.
Opening Sentence: They were upon me before I could react – four boys, three girls, and way more attitude than I wanted to deal with.
Name: Eisley Jacobs
ReplyDeleteEmail: Eisley.Jacobs(at)gmail(dot)com
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Blog Link: http://eisleyjacobs.com/middle-grade/yatopia-contest/
Two Sentence Pitch: One dragon, one girl and one chance meeting that'll change their worlds forever. Only one problem: Aren't dragons a myth?
Opening Sentence: Lightning jumped over the horizon and a tingle raced to the tip of my tail.
Since I know not all of the 150 comments are entries, here goes:
ReplyDeleteName: Kimberlee Turley
Email: kimberlee.turley@yahoo.com
Story Name: Note to Self
Genre: Steampunk
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:
I’m posting this where I know it will get more views than on my blog:
2 Sentence Pitch:
When Gracie Heart finds threatening notes in her circus costume, she thinks she’s being haunted by the ghost of the magician’s last assistant. She doesn’t realize she’s the one writing the notes to warn herself: she’s next.
Opening sentence: Judging by the number of her adult teeth, the New York Castle Garden immigration officers determined she was eight years of age
Name: Ruth Donnelly
ReplyDeleteEmail: ruth.donnelly@sbcglobal.net
Story Name: The Shifting Summer of Eleanor Olive
Genre: middle grade paranormal
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://readatouille.blogspot.com/2011/03/query-critique-contest-at-yatopia.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Eleven-year-old Eleanor Olive, reluctant summer camper, notices kids and counselors undergoing startling transformations--and not the kind described in the camp brochure. It’s dangerous to experiment with shapeshifting, but if she wants to find her dog, Lola, who disappeared in the woods near camp, it may be her only choice.
Opening sentence: Eleanor shivered--it was spooky in the woods, and Lola seemed to have vanished without a trace.
Can I delete a post? I want to re-post another entry?? If not, can you erase my previous entry. Here's a new one!
Name: Emma Collaro
Email: emaone1(at) gmail (dot) com
Story Name: Tuneful
Genre: YA Romance
Twitter Link: http://twitter.com/emcollaro/status/49833464232542208
Two Sentence Pitch: Teenage punk rocker, Blake Hunter, thought he had hit the right chord with pop singer, Summer Scotch--until she broke his heart and left him wondering why. A year later, the opportunity to work with her on the soundtrack of a film sounded like the perfect bridge back together, before Blake discovered that the star of the film was Summer's new boyfriend.
Opening Sentence: August Burns Red is blasting through my headphones while a copy of Hello lies on my study beside my crumpled pile of unwanted songs.
Name:Deana Barnhart
Genre: YA urban fantasy
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link:http://deanabarnhart.blogspot.com/2011/03/another-awesome-writing-contest.html
2 Sentence Pitch: Mackenzie Shae discovers her destiny is unlike most seventeen year olds when she turns a guardian angel into a human with the mere touch of her hand. When she realizes the guardian is hers and she stripped him of his abilities to protect, she must figure out how to deal with being hunted by the evils of this world and the one beyond on her own.
Opening sentence: The only thing Jonas was completely sure of was that Mackenzie Shae was going to die.
Name: Jackie Felger
ReplyDeleteEmail: jacklenn6@yahoo.com
Story Name: Breathe For Me
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/JackieFel
2 Sentence Pitch: After joining a school for teens with special powers, seventeen-year-old Hadley Blake falls for a hot martial arts instructor and a sexy classmate. She can only be with one, but she’s never been good at making decisions . . . little does she know, death has already made the choice for her.
Opening sentence: I covered my nose with the sleeve of my hospital gown, but it did little to mask the stench.
Name: Linda McLaren
ReplyDeleteEmail: mclarenoz@bigpond.com
Story Name: Cats Eye
Genre: YA/Cross
Blog: www.blogger.com/profile/11243460609179141414
Pitch: Sophie McConnell's mother may be dead, but she's still calling the shots. So when a stranger, claiming not to be one, shows up to take her 'back', the age old struggle between mother, daughter and secrets never told, remains very much alive.
Opening sentence: She saw brilliance, I saw reality.
Great contest! So excited!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of YAtopia and I blogged about the contest. (See here: http://jeanmarieanaya.blogspot.com/2011/03/agent-pitch-contest-at-yatopia.html)
Name: Jeanmarie Anaya
Email: janaya75@hotmail.com
Story Name: MAGNETIC
Genre: YA paranormal
Blog: www.jeanmarieanaya.blogspot.com
Pitch: When seventeen year-old wild child and self-described rock star Carly Reynolds discovers she's a paranormal medium, she vows to get her life back to normal and rid herself of her creepy soul-stealing stalkers. But she first has to play the role of hero to get rid of them and being a hero doesn't automatically get you a gold star--particularly when the person you're trying to save is already dead.
Opening Sentence: Carly knew something was off about the old man the moment she first saw him.
Thank you for the opportunity!
ReplyDeleteName: Amanda Hoving
Email: amanda[at]amandahoving[dot]com
Story Name: Only Short Boys Know How To Fight
Genre: MG Contemporary
Twitter link: @amandahoving
Pitch: Spencer Brooks blames all of his problems on being short, including his oddball family, an allergy to orange soda, and his status as "personal step stool" for Brad (The Bratwurst) Riley. But when an experimental bubble gum seems to be making Spencer taller, things start to change -- and not all for the better.
Opening Sentence: Spencer was lying flat on the closet floor -- and it wasn't on purpose.
Name: Danielle Thorne
ReplyDeleteEmail: danithorne@yahoo.com
Story Name: Danny Boy
Genre: Children
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: www.thebalancedwriter.blogspot.com
2 Sentence Pitch:
Danny Boy's life turns upside down when he almost drowns his personal enemy, Neal the Squeal, then there's that brush fire on the mountain. To make things worse, everyone thinks he's intimidated by Rachel Davies, but he's not -- he's terrified.
Opening sentence:
There was a muffled explosion in the pipes before a fountain of water shot from the toilet and showered the entire boys' bathroom. I smacked my hand over Pooch's mouth to keep the laughter behind them buck teeth, but it didn't do any good.
Contest closed. Thanks guys!
ReplyDeleteOh! I cannot believe I missed the deadline by mere hours! I didn't even see this until just now. Blast. Well, good luck to all the entrants!
ReplyDeleteName: Jacob Olisa Jones
ReplyDeleteEmail: jacobjones94@yahoo.com
Story Name: The Septavalent Stone
Genre: YA fantasy
Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/login/setashome.php?ref=genlogin#!/
2 Sentence Pitch:
Andrew thinks his mother is only being paranoid, until the cadavers try to attack him and his cousin ALoysia.
Opening sentence:
Mr. and Mrs. Hindan were the most unstable and unusual parents anyone could ever meet, and they couldn't care less what you, or anyone else thought, because they were happy to be so.
Name: Gabriel Madison
ReplyDeleteEmail: gabrielmadison21@gmail.com
Story Name: Prodigies
Genre: YA
Blog/Twitter/Facebook link: http://twitter.com/#!/gabrielmadison
2 Sentence Pitch: Four disadvantaged kids from different backgrounds are accepted into an elite school, only to be pulled into a mystery surrounding the expulsion and arrest of a previous student and an escalating rift between the scholarship kids and the wealthy kids at the prestigious academy they had each dreamed of attending.
Opening sentence: Dean Winston Chambers, a some what chubby man in his mid fifties with graying thin hair laying flat on his head, sat in his office looking at a stack of papers.