
Sunday, February 9, 2014

We Have News!

 Yatopia has news! 

Our wonderful contributors Lisa Burstein and Ryan Greenspan have found their schedules so busy that they've decided to pass over the mantel of YAtopians to new contributors. 

Kate Brauning and Sean Grisby are joining YAtopia as our new contributors. *shakes pom poms*

Please make them feel welcome!

Learn more about our new members

Kate Brauning writes adult and YA suspense, reads everything, and never gets over a great story. She's represented by Carlie Webber of CK Webber Associates, and is an associate editor for Month9Books.  She believes wine is best rich and red, chocolate is best smooth and dark, and books are best bittersweet. She's almost always listening to music, and one of these days, she'll learn to play the guitar. Find Kate on Twitter or on her Website.

If it has anything to with the written or spoken word, Sean Grigsby has probably rocked it. Sean has worked as a radio DJ, stand-up comedian, article writer for an online magazine, slush pile reader, sports anchor, and the list could fill volumes that 
would break your coffee table. Currently, he is a professional firefighter in central Arkansas where he lives with his wife and son.

Sean recently finished his first novel, 52 PICK UP, and didn't realize it was New Adult until long after he wrote it. He is on the search for representation and is working on his second book. Follow him on Twitter @seangrigsby and visit his blog at


  1. Welcome aboard, Kate and Sean. It's wonderful to have you as a part of YATopia, and I'm really looking forward to reading your upcoming posts!
