
Friday, January 6, 2017

A New Year for Agentopia

I’m very excited to be taking up the role of Agentopia Coordinator and to bring your questions to some fantastic agents.

So you know a little about the person behind the interviews, let me introduce myself. I’m in my final year of university and currently run and edit the pro-feminist magazine ARTEMIS. Despite my passion for running the magazine, YA books have always been my first love and I can’t imagine that’s going to change no matter what age I am. I was convinced I would be an author growing up but recently realised my passion lies in the other side of publishing and am now pursuing a career as a literary agent.

For me, stories have always been about the characters and their relationships with those around them. Whether fantasy or contemporary, books with strong heroines and believable romances never fail to make me squeal and I’ve been known have to take a five minute break from books that were just too good. Some of my all-time favourite books are Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black and anything by Cassandra Clare.

To get us started I’d love to know what questions you’d most like answered by literary agents, so please do answer the poll and feel free to add your own questions in the comments section.

I hope you enjoy the first interview of the year which will be posted in February!

What questions would you like answered by agents?

What is currently on your wish list?
What's a personal turn-off in a query which is guaranteed to get the author rejected?
What's the most important element of a story which makes you want to represent it?
Do you have a ‘maybe’ pile, or is it a quick decision between requesting or passing on a manuscript
If a writer can see they have been skipped on Querytracker, does this mean they are on your 'maybe pile'?
Are there any trends which you feel will soon be very popular in YA fiction?
Are there any current popular trends in YA fiction which you feel are becoming less popular?
Do you google authors and if yes, what are you looking for?
How long does it take to respond to queries?
Please Specify:

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