
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 positives & 2017 wishlist (with a prize)!

I don't believe anyone has been immune from the craziness that was 2016. For me personally, there was a lot of good in the craziness, and I thought it would be nice to have a positive discussion when there was so much that sucked this year.

I went to Romantic Times, where I met Brenda Drake and fellow Pitch Wars mentors for the first time (which was also my first trip outside of Australia) and participated in the Pitch Wars Roadshow.

I had SHATTERED published with City Owl Press, which felt like an even bigger milestone for me than having book 1, DIVIDED, published. I became a bonafide published author in my eyes with the sequel entering the world. And it was my first ever in-person book launch for me for a novel.

I edited and published my first ever anthology, WORDS WITH HEART, which is a charity anthology.

I launched Literary Loveliest, a charity auction site with a literary focus. The first auction we did raised money for the victims of the Louisiana floods.

I also ran my first solo Pitch Wars Roadshow at Conflux.

Despite the bad in 2016, positives can be found. And I'm hoping 2017 will be even better. My 2017 wish list includes:

  • Finishing my new WIP
  • Finishing and publishing book 3 in the Open Heart series
  • Getting an agent
  • My Pitch Wars mentee, the amazing Roseanne Rivers, getting an agent
  • Having a fantabulous Pitch Madness Team in 2017 
  • Finding an amazing mentee for Pitch Wars 2017.
What's your 2017 goals? 

All comments go into the draw for eCopies of my books DIVIDED and SHATTERED, as well as a $10 Amazon gift voucher. Entries are open until 1 January. 

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