
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Today, we're delighted to welcome author Sarai Henderson to the Guestopia slot!

Here's a little about Sarai and a short excerpt from her book before we get going with the questions!

Sarai Henderson is a retired ballerina from Oregon City, Oregon, where she spends most her time chasing down her three rambunctious boys and writing on her lunch break at work. 

She enjoys DIY projects, Photography and writing on her blog about life as a mother of an autistic son. 

I pulled my hood up over my head as the rain began to pour from the skies and bounce off the sidewalk in a serene rhythm. My hands were shaking from the adrenaline that surged through my body. The hunt never got old. “All right, Bear. I’m in pursuit of the mark. Get ready.”

“About time, slow poke.” He chuckled to himself, but I wasn’t amused. Dawn had put me in a bad mood and it would take a while for it to wear off. If only he was close enough to punch, maybe I would feel better.

The sidewalk turned a corner sending me into a crowded marketplace where the people bumped shoulders more often than not. The smell of fish hit me like a ton of bricks making me crinkle my nose in disgust. There was nothing I hated more than seafood. Well, maybe large cities with all the loud voices in my head, but fish was a close second.

I dug my hands deep into my jeans pockets to keep them from shaking. Anxiety from listening to the varied streams of consciousness coursed through my body. I had to concentrate.

Dawn’s presence was moving closer through the crowd, I could feel it. Her thoughts told me that she didn’t like fish much either but this was where her contact had told her to meet him. My heart skipped a beat with the mention of another person around, possibly a telepath. Great, we didn’t have much time.

“Bear,” I shouted into the com. “She’s here to meet someone and it sounds like they’re going to send her into hiding. I need you close by. This is happening now.”

And off we go!

Is this your first published book?


What’s it called?


Which genre?

Urban fantasy/Paranormal

Which age group?

Young Adult

Is it a series or standalone?

I'm planning on a series

Are you an agented author?


Which publisher snapped up your book?

Evernight Teen

How involved have you been in the whole publishing process of your book?

I had input on my cover and the editing process, but the rest has been all up to the publisher.

Do you have another job?

Yes, I work at a bank and I'm a mother (The most important job)

Did you receive many, if any, rejections prior?

Actually, Evernight was the second publisher I submitted to. I got lucky.

What created/what were you doing or watching when the first idea for this book sneaked up on you?

I was watching KillJoys on Syfy. I love that show. It was my inspiration for HUNTER.

How long did you plot/plan until you started writing it?

I'm not much of a plotter, I pretty much write by the seat of my pants. I kind of knew where I wanted to go, but didn't know how I was going to get there.

Once you started, did the story flow naturally or did you have to step in and wrestle it into submission?

This book flowed nicely. Not like a lot of other books I've tried to write over the years.

How many drafts did you write before you let someone read it? Who was that someone?

I wrote three drafts before I let my husband read it.

Did you employ an editor/proofreader or did you have a critique partner/beta readers before you started querying?

I had a beta reader. It was my first experience with one and it really helped work out the kinks.

Roughly how many drafts did it take before you sent the manuscript off into the real world?

Five Drafts. Five long and dangerous drafts.

How many drafts until it was published?

We went through three more drafts before it was ready to publish.

Has the book changed dramatically since the first draft?

Yes, very much. The characters have evolved and the story is more colorful. Its better now.

Are there any parts you’d like to change even now?

I'm pleased with it.

What part of writing do you find the easiest?

Character creation. I love coming up with interesting and relatable characters for my books.

What part do you find hardest?

Plotting, sometimes my books start out with one plot and end with another. It all gets worked out in the editing stage though.

Do you push through writing barriers or walk away?

I usually walk away for a few hours. Watch a movie or listen to music. That helps me with the thinking process.

How many projects do you have on the go at the same time?

I set my mind on one project at a time, but always have several rolling around in my head.

Do you think you’re born with the talent to write or do you think it can be learned?

I think it comes easier for some people but with enough practice, anything can be learned.

How many future novels do you have planned?

Two more in this series and several that I want to start in other series.

Do you write other things, such as short stories, articles, blogs, etc?

I write a blog Confessions of an Ex-ballerina where I share my web series and reviews.

What’s the highlight of being published so far? T

he excitement of people finally reading my creation. I've waited for this moment for years and it's even better than I imagined.

Give me one writing tip that work for you.

Don't let rejection get you down. It's al part of the plan.

And one that doesn't.

Planning and spread sheets don't work for me so I don't do them.

Can you give us a clue or secret about the next book?

The next book is going to have some of the main characters old friends show up along with some new telepath abilities. It's going to be intense.

What question have you always wanted to be asked but never have? What would the answer be?

What character do you relate with best? The answer is HUNTER with a little bit of TROLL. They are both very sarcastic and loyal which fits me to a T.

Absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for joining us today, Sarai, and we wish you the best of luck with Hunter and any future books that come along in the future!

If you want to follow Sarai and most importantly buy this fantastic book, here are some links that might help!

Social Media:

Twitter: @Shendersonbooks

Buy links:

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