Reading changes a person. Of course. We all know that.But writing changes a person too.It changes how an author reads. At least it's changed how I read.Sometimes I'm not sure I'm happy about this. As a child, I loved to read.
I read anything I could get my hands (and eyeballs) on. Okay, that's not entirely true.
I've never been a big fan of "kissing books," but give me most anything else:Encyclopedias, trips to Narnia...
Oh, how I longed to be Lucy... Books about dogs.
Oh, how I longed for a dog of my own. Books about brave young girls.
How I longed to be brave.I supposed I should've spent my time longing for Gilbert to come around, but I was too busy trying to figure out my life's purpose. (Boy, did that take me forever. Want a piece of advice? JOB SHADOW in high school. No excuses. Get off your butt and do it. Don't wait until you're a senior in college to figure out you want to be a nurse, or veterinarian, or teacher, or whatever--figure it out when you're young.) How I digress (but that was an important point, if anyone will listen). Before writing, while it's true I liked some books more than others, I'm not sure I really understood why.
Why did I love the Chronicles of Narnia so much?Only now can I fully marvel at the scope of C. S. Lewis' imagination. Story after story set in Narnia--just the mere idea of a seven or eight book series sends my stomach into an ulcerated knot.But C. S. Lewis did it. (Of course, he wrote a ton of other books, too, but that's another story.) Now, although I still love reading, I feel like the magic--although it might not be gone--has been altered somehow. I can still marvel at a cliff hanger ending. But then I'm off thinking about the craft instead of the story itself.
I can also still marvel at gorgeous book covers (see above). But then I'm off thinking about how I want my next book cover to look. I can reread and marvel at lines I wish I'd written. But that makes me kind of jealous--I hate it when I'm jealous. I can go back in time, enjoying the same book over again (although I'll admit to being jealous of the reader who's reading a gem for the very first time--there I am, jealous again--what a horrible person I must be).
What I really hate is the annoying interference of an internal editor, like a gnat in my ear, telling me "I'd put that line there" or "They use their quote signs differently than my publisher does" or "This is more tell than show." Ugh. I LOVE it when a book is so smoothly written that my internal editor doesn't even make a peep.
What I want for Xmas: 1) more time to read (see my LAST POST) 2) to tell my internal editor to shut the BLEEP up
About the Author - Ann M. Noser Growing up an only child, I learned to entertain myself. During summer vacations, my greatest form of exercise consisted of turning the pages of a book. Now I'm all grown up and full of stories half-written in my head. I have to write them down so I can find out what happens next.
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