
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Agentopia: Rebecca Angus

Welcome to the September edition of Agentopia! For more information and to see other Agentopia posts, click here.

This month Rebecca Angus from Golden Wheat Literary is in the spotlight.

I'm a graduate of Texas A&M University, SFF Author, and Jr. Literary Agent at Golden Wheat Literary. I have an obsession with all things #KidLit, and my main focus as an agent is Children's Literature. As a new agent, I'm currently building my client list, but I absolutely adore every author on my team so far. I currently live with my Army husband and house full of animals in Washington State.....until the Army moves us elsewhere which could be tomorrow. I have an obsession with Cat gifs and Dr. Who, and in my free time I watch way too much Netflix. You can follow me on twitter @R_EliseWrites, but be prepared for cat pictures and Disney references. 

Submissions Guidelines: Please email query + 15 pages to Rebecca@goldenwheatliterary.comMy response time is usually less than a month, but sometimes I take a bit longer for requested material.

1. What are you looking for in YA submissions right now? 

Send me diverse characters. What I'd really like to find is an emotionally driven Young Adult Contemporary. I believe the best translation of this would be--hit me with all the feels and make me cry. Also, I'd like to find a story about a teen from a military family. I'm always on the look out for strong female characters in fantasy or historical settings. I love historical retellings we haven't quite seen yet, and I really enjoy unlikely/unexpected narrators. My most recent Young Adult book obsession is Gregory Maguire's, EGG & SPOON. If you've read his book and can comp yours to themes or aspects similar to EGG AND SPOON, I want to see it. I also really want a story similar to THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA but from a female POV. 

2. What's an immediate turn-off in a query, something guaranteed to get the author rejected?

Cluttered Queries. I like the 'meat and potatoes' type of queries--give me the yummy basics without overfilling the query with too much extra. If your query seems daunting when I open it, I will likely only read the first few lines. A long , endless, query makes me worry that the manuscript will need substantial edits. 

3. What's the story got to have to make you want to represent it?

It needs to have character driven voice. I don't mind multiple POV, but I want to get to know a character and love/hate them from page cover to cover. I don't mind snarky/unlikeable characters, but their voice needs to be consistent. I want a story that has a voice I can't escape even after I'm done reading.

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