
Friday, November 29, 2013

Coastal magic Secret Santa Contest!

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays, my lovely reader friends!! Now that Thanksgiving has passed (and while we're all trying to fit back into our clothes after yesterday's dinner) it's time to start passing out presents!!! Ok, maybe not ALL the presents, but how about some virtual "Secret Santa" presents to our favorite characters in the urban fantasy and paranormal romance world, and some very real convention registrations for two of YOU!!

That's right. One blog hop commenter will win free registration to the 2014 Coastal Magic Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, in February. A second winner will win registration to the 2015 event!! This is a weekend full of fun panels, meet & greets and face time with some of your favorite authors in the UF/PNR genre. Over 50 authors will be featured, and you'll be surrounded by fellow book lovers.

A few of the participating blog hosts are Featured Bloggers for the Coastal Magic Convention, and a few are Featured Authors. Be sure to ask them questions or leave them comments about the con if you're curious about it, or if you're planning to attend. They'll be thrilled to hear from you!! To find a list of confirmed Featured Authors and other information about Coastal Magic, be sure to check out the website.


In addition to the two overall, grand prize winners... some of the blogs will be featuring individual prizes, so keep an eye out for those as you're checking out the other stops on the hop!! Here's how to enter:

1 - The ENTIRE urban fantasy and paranormal romance world is yours to choose from. Imagine every name in a giant Santa hat... whose name do YOU pick?? List that person's name, what book they're from, and what gift you would give them in the comments section of this blog.
2 - Click on the Rafflecopter link and complete the entry tasks you'd like to participate in. The ONLY mandatory entry is your "secret santa" comment, but there are a few other ways to get extra entries. (just a few, I promise :-) )
3 - Visit other blogs on the list between today and December 6th to play again!

So... easy peasy, right?!? I'm excited to see who each of you chooses!!!

GOOD LUCK, everyone!! Let the season of giving begin!!

 Participating Blogs:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Mercy Thompson, Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson novels, patience. With everything she has to deal with, she needs it.
