
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Writing a novel is the easy part

Writing a novel sometimes feels like it was the easy part.

Write a 56,000 word manuscript

Me: No worries.

Write a two-page synopsis

Me: Ahhhhh! *runs for the hills*

Write a query letter.

Me: *rewrites a million times until there's four variations I'm satisfied enough with to use with agents then uses all four versions to test what works best*

Write a bio

Me: *writes multiple versions, never really happy with one, no matter how many drafts I try - stabs at screen*

Write a book dedication.

Me: *Ponders on how to get wording right. Looks up other dedications as this needs to be epic*

Write a book acknowledgement

Me: *freaks out, worrying about missing someone out who beta read for me, if it's too long, if it's crappy*

Write 2nd novel

Me: *engages alpha read and writes like crazy* No worries.

Write a two-page synopsis for 2nd novel.

Me: *buries head in pillow and screams*

What part of the writing process do you like the best and what frustrates you the most.


  1. Couldn't agree with you more. Seriously, you totally hit on my exact feelings!

  2. LOL. This made me much hilariousness.

    Funnily enough, I finally nailed a that I don't need one anymore. I'm sort-of okay with my blurb (still not ecstatic, though). Synopsis? Don't even say the word *Gets frightened eyes*

    Of course, drafting has its obstacles for me now, too. But I'm hoping to finally overcome those in the next couple months. I'll let you know - ha!

    Anywho, I loved this post. *Smiles and runs back to writing /formatting / publishing cave*

  3. Synopsis, easily. I just want to be like "I SWEAR IT DOESN'T SOUND THIS STUPID WHEN YOU READ THE BOOK." Sigh.

  4. Synopsis writing - definitely the worst!

  5. Tee hee - thanks guys. This post was inspired while writing an acknowledgement so I could procrastinate some more and avoid writing a synopsis...which I still haven't done.
