
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Agentopia: Sara Megibow

Click here for more info about Agentopia, including past posts. Today, we're thrilled to welcome Sara Megibow and hear all about her wishlist!


Sara has been with Nelson Literary Agency since early 2006. Her first responsibilities included reading query letters, sample pages, and full manuscripts, and she was promoted to Associate Literary Agent in 2009. From sexy romance to epic fantasy, Sara has loved reading since picking up her first copy of The Hobbit. Sara earned a B.A. in Women’s Studies and a B.A. in American History from Northwestern University. She loves to ski, hike, kayak, and hang out with her beat-boxing husband, adorable son, and fuzzy cat.

Read about Sara’s submissions, clients, and sales at

Follow Sara on twitter @SaraMegibow.

Read about the agency at


It's the start of an exciting new year! Already the biggest sales I've made in 2013 have been for Middle Grade and New Adult projects, so let's bring on more of those. I'm not worried about word count or concept - if it's about fishermen or spaceships, I'm looking for quality of writing and engaging characters. As always, I'm a huge romance fan - paranormal, contemporary, historical - you name it, I'm in! Typically we get the most queries per day for books in the young adult genre - that seems to be our sweet spot as an agency. So, all sorts of YA is good - science fiction or thriller or contemporary or YA with a strong romance element.

How to Query

Please visit our website for submission guidelines, sample query letters, recommended resources and FAQs (all located on the "Submit Manuscript" page).

Query by email only (no attachments, headshots, sample pages or synopses please). We do not accept snail mail queries or submissions or queries by phone or in person. Please send email to You are encouraged to include the link to your author website in your query letter.

1 comment:

  1. My CP queried Sara with her NA novel. Less than a week later, Sara was my CP's new agent. An amazing agent at that. And yes, she's definitely looking for NA romance.
