
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Importance of Being Patient

Patience is a virtue. We've all heard this time and time again, and--if you're like me--you might have rolled your eyes every time. We live in a world where everything is "lightning fast" and works through a 3G/4G connection. Fast food is delivered, well, fast. Text messages are received almost instantly. We can buy books with one click. We're not patient people. But being a writer requires a lot of patience. Some days our writing comes out perfectly and endlessly, word after word, while other days it doesn't and we end up staring at our document with a blank expression. After we submit to a publisher or agent, we have to wait for an answer. We have to wait for our critique partners/beta readers to provide feedback. We have to wait for bloggers to review our work.

We wait.
                   And wait.

                             And wait.

                                   .....And wait.

Waiting kind of sucks. But it's a natural part of our chosen career path and it's something we can't change. Yet waiting isn't always such a bad thing. In the between time, new ideas can grow, new characters can be born, and new hobbies can surface. We can go out to eat with friends, catch up on emails, or finally go see that movie we've been dying to see.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is that patience is key in this business. Don't try to rush the process and make the most of your down time.

If anyone has any funny or insightful stories about waiting/patience, feel free to share them!



  1. So I just realized I wasn't following you guys... er... how is that possible??? ;-) Great post, DJ. The waiting, for me, is definitely the hardest part. It's enough to make a writer go mad... really... I think the key is to focus on creating, moving forward.

  2. Patience is tough! I'm staring down some tough edits right now and I'm working the nerve to do them. You're right, some days are more challenging than others!

  3. Wonderfully said. I've always thought I was patient, but this business has helped me grow into a monk--ha! I will zen into other matter of my life, as I await the magic words from other. Thanks.

  4. I find it interesting is that writers are often instant gratification type people and the publishing process is like torture to us...well to me. But I'm learning to be patient =D

  5. If I knew to wait, I wouldn't have made the mistakes I did when I first started on this publishing journey.

  6. it is very nice and interesting. many people nowadays missed this golden habit. thanks
