
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Love Story: My Theme Song for YA PNR

As many of you know, I'm not only a writer of novels, but a writer of songs. Most of you probably know me from my song that HarperTeen is using as the official song for Lauren Oliver's novel, Delirium, or my song inspired by Sea by Heidi R. Kling.

Anyway, I thought I'd debut a "new" (new to you, ancient to me) song here on YATopia and get my music to a different range of readers. Here's a little ditty I wrote/sang/played called "Love Story" and I hope you like it! The lyrics were inspired by Stephenie Meyer's New Moon, but then I realized they pretty much sum up most YA paranormal romance novels, haha.

Happy listening!

Speaking of music, don't forget to check out my Delirium giveaway! HERE


  1. WOW, DJ!!! And I'm in love with your Delirium song, for real!!! (Look at all those fangirl exclamation marks, haha.) :-)

  2. DJ!! Do you know how talented you are? Every time I hear another song I'm more impressed. You are amazing!

  3. Wow those songs are great! They're so beautiful! You do have a lot of talent. :D *is jealous*

  4. Thanks for the love, everyone! Glad you like the song :-)
