
Saturday, May 21, 2011

When I'm Not Writing

What? You mean you actually do other things besides writing??

Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe, right? :-)

When I'm not writing, I'm usually A) at school B) reading C) tweeting D) watching TV or E) all of the above. I'm not proud of option C, but Twitter is addicting! By now most of you probably know I don't force my writing. If I'm not feeling it, then I won't force it. So, when I'm not writing I like to do simple and sometimes mindless activities. Reading is always great because I get to experience someone else's world and characters and learn how they crafted their story. When I'm not in the mood to read, though, I'll usually pop in a movie or watch a show. I get really into the shows/movies I watch, even if I've seen them a million times. *cough*Twilight Saga*cough* My family often leaves the room when I watch "Twilight" and "The Vampire Diaries" because I gasp, make comments, and freak out. They just shake their heads and leave me to my vampires, haha.

I recently saw Lauren Oliver at a signing and she mentioned she often gets up from the computer and does some exercise when she's stuck on something, so I've been trying to do that, too. I've just been trying to exercise more in general. I'm finding it helps clear the mind. :-)

So, what do you all like to do when you're not being bookish?


  1. I play video games! Currently going on 60 hours in Final Fantasy XIII. ;)

    I don't have cable/watch TV, per se, but my wife and I watch shows and movies through Netflix (via our Xbox360).

  2. School and work. Seems like I have time for nothing else!

  3. There are things in the world that aren't bookish?? LOL. I don't watch TV. There just aren't shows the interest me enough. Most of the time, if I have time to watch TV, I'd rather be reading or writing. I DO want to try and watch Teen Wolf when it starts on MTV. Looks good. lol.

    I spend way too much time online, alternating between my email, Twitter, and Facebook.


  5. I'm the same with Kelley - no TV anymore. Since I'm in the middle of a writing lull, I've been doing a lot of beta reading for writing friends, which I love. :)

  6. I like to go to the gym, and I play with my kids. But with full time work, parenthood and all the things they both entail, there isn't much time for anything else. What tiny fragments of time I manage to steal are all for writing or attending to the business of getting published.

  7. I know. I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch it!

  8. Yeah, I like to watch TV - especially teen-related shows. I do a lot of social things with my friends also. Lately though, I've been spending a lot of times working on the Sift Book Reviews site.
